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Soft Drinks

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  • Crawleys Orgeat Syrup Non Alc

    Crawleys Orgeat Syrup Non Alc

    This particular hand made recipe produced from crushed almonds and mahlab kernels. The nose is of saturated bitter almonds and a subtle spiced cherry.

  • Crawleys Real Falernum

    Crawleys Real Falernum

    Falernum is a Caribbean sweet syrup, usually comprised of almond, ginger, cloves, lime, and sometimes vanilla or allspice. This non-alcoholic version from Crawleys includes fresh lime juice, organic ginger and almond extract. No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

  • Cuervo Tequilla Margarita 1litre

    Cuervo Tequilla Margarita 1litre

    With its vibrant citrusy flavor and a zesty aroma, this margarita mix promises to elevate your cocktail experience. Immerse your palate in the perfect blend of tangy lime and sweet orange notes, creating a balanced and refreshing taste that captures the essence of a classic margarita.

  • Derby Bitterino 100ml

    Derby Bitterino 100ml

    Only from Derby Blue an intense and unique flavor, thanks to the presence of the infusions of Roman wormwood. Non-alcoholic bitter drink made with herbal extracts. Ideal as an aperitif, served cold on its own or with orange juice and a slice of orange.

  • Fever Tree Elderflower 200ml

    Fever Tree Elderflower 200ml

    The delicate and sweet flavour of elderflower is perfectly balanced by the soft bitterness of the quinine

    Which pairs perfectly with fresh and floral gins and premium vodkas.

  • Fever Tree Indian Tonic Water 200ml

    Fever Tree Indian Tonic Water 200ml

    Our Premium Indian Tonic water uses a handful of different botanicals, including our distinctive natural quinine and oils from Mexican Bitter Oranges, to give a uniquely clean and refreshing taste and aroma.

    Designed to enhance the very best gins or vodkas.

  • Fever Tree Light Tonic 200ml

    Fever Tree Light Tonic 200ml

    Fever Tree Naturally Light Tonic Water is the world's first all-natural, lower calorie tonic water. With 58% fewer calories, there is no need to compromise on taste as this delicious, crisp tonic water combines fruit sugars and natural quinine with citrus, aromatic botanicals and soft spring.

  • Fever Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water 200ml

    Fever Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water 200ml

    We use less quinine in our Mediterranean Tonic which, with the addition of rosemary and lemon thyme, produces a much lighter, more fragrant tonic.

    This tonic has a softer taste than the indian tonic.

    Perfect mixed with gins, vodkas, whiskies. 

  • Fiuggi 12 Pack Sparkling Water 1lt

    Fiuggi 12 Pack Sparkling Water 1lt

    Fiuggi water is a natural, oligomineral water. Its composition comes from the tufaceous ground of the hollows occupied by the Spas. It is subjected to a filtering action which purifies and reduces its mineralisation becoming an oligomineral water of a very strong diuretic effect. It provokes the expulsion of kidney stones and prevents their formation, it is also particularly indicated during preparation of operations for urinary calculosis and post-operative treatment. It is an excellent remedy for infections of the urinary tract and, thanks to its action on the metabolism of uric acid, favours the cure of gout and uratic arthropathies.

  • Fiuggi 12 Pack Still Water 1lt

    Fiuggi 12 Pack Still Water 1lt

    Fiuggi water is a natural, oligomineral water. Its composition comes from the tufaceous ground of the hollows occupied by the Spas. It is subjected to a filtering action which purifies and reduces its mineralisation becoming an oligomineral water of a very strong diuretic effect. It provokes the expulsion of kidney stones and prevents their formation, it is also particularly indicated during preparation of operations for urinary calculosis and post-operative treatment. It is an excellent remedy for infections of the urinary tract and, thanks to its action on the metabolism of uric acid, favours the cure of gout and uratic arthropathies.

  • Fonteviva Mineral Water 750ml 12 Pack

    Fonteviva Mineral Water 750ml 12 Pack

    Fonteviva natural mineral water flows naturally from the Fonteviva spring at approximately 2000 feet above sea level in the Apuan Alps Tuscany. It can have diuretic effects, and it is suitable for low sodium diets.

  • Fonteviva Spring Water 750ml 12 Pack

    Fonteviva Spring Water 750ml 12 Pack

    Fonteviva natural mineral water flows naturally from the Fonteviva spring at approximately 2000 feet above sea level in the Apuan Alps Tuscany. It can have diuretic effects, and it is suitable for low sodium diets.
