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Soft Drinks

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  • Galvanina Chinotto Organic 355ml

    Galvanina Chinotto Organic 355ml

    With the natural aroma of Calabrian chinotto sour oranges, enriched with aromatic herb extracts, Galvanina Chinotto stands out thanks to its rounded flavor and bouquet of very intense fragrances. 

    With an unmistakable character, given by the intense fragrance of citrus fruits and spices, Galvanina Chinotto is thirst-quenching on its own. It is also particularly popular as an aperitif and is especially intriguing as an ingredient for preparing cocktails and mocktails. 

  • Galvanina Limonata Organic Soda 355ml

    Galvanina Limonata Organic Soda 355ml

    Italian organic lemon soft drink with pulp


    Ideal for mixing with clear and brown spirits, aperitifs and liqueurs. Perfect mixer for traditional aperitifs and long drinks.

  • Galvanina Organic Aranciata 355ml

    Galvanina Organic Aranciata 355ml

    Made from Sanguinello, Tarocco and Moro blood oranges, enriched with lemon juice, this drink is characterised by its intense colour and flavour. The latter also derives from the natural ripening of the citrus fruits on the tree, from organic cultivations in Sicily.

  • Galvanina Rossa Aranciata Organic Soda 355ml

    Galvanina Rossa Aranciata Organic Soda 355ml

    Italian organic blood orange soft drink with pulp

    Ideal for mixing with clear and brown spirits, aperitifs and liqueurs. Perfect mixer for traditional aperitifs and long drinks.

  • Granatina Syrup

    Granatina Syrup

    DISTILLERIA ALESSANDRO in northern Italy produce a great range of authentic Italian syrups. Use them to create refreshing long drinks by adding your favourite syrup flavour to lemonade, soda water, mineral or natural water. Syrup flavours consist of Mint, Orange, Barley, Lemon, Strawberry, Sour Cherry, Grenadine and Almond Milk. Also add your favourite flavoured syrup to cakes, pastries and all sorts of confectionary including marzipan and almond brittle.

  • Iq Spring Water 1.5litres

    Iq Spring Water 1.5litres

  • Iq Spring Water 600ml

    Iq Spring Water 600ml

  • Jarritos Mexican Cola 370ml

    Jarritos Mexican Cola 370ml

    This soda offers a subtly sparkling fizz and a delightful, invigorating Mexican cola flavour infused with hints of vanilla and zesty ginger. It's crafted using genuine fruit flavours and real cane sugar, ensuring a pure, non-artificial sweetness without any high fructose corn syrup.

  • Joes Apple Juice 350ml

    Joes Apple Juice 350ml

    99% apple juice

  • Joes Classics Green Smoothie 350ml

    Joes Classics Green Smoothie 350ml

    Perfect for busy mornings or afternoon slumps, it gives you the zest you need to zip through the day. Enjoy this natural and healthy drink. 

    94% fruit juice 

  • Joes Classics Mango And Banana Juice 350ml

    Joes Classics Mango And Banana Juice 350ml

    99% fruit juice and fruit puree

  • Joes Orange Juice 350ml

    Joes Orange Juice 350ml

    99% oranage juice
