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Soft Drinks

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  • Kofola Soft Drink Cans 330ml

    Kofola Soft Drink Cans 330ml

    Enjoy a can or two of this delicious cola drink as often as you like. Fresh, cool & beautifully effervescent.

  • Latte Di Mandorla

    Latte Di Mandorla

    DISTILLERIA ALESSANDRO in northern Italy produce a great range of authentic Italian syrups. Use them to create refreshing long drinks by adding your favourite syrup flavour to lemonade, soda water, mineral or natural water. Syrup flavours consist of Mint, Orange, Barley, Lemon, Strawberry, Sour Cherry, Grenadine and Almond Milk. Also add your favourite flavoured syrup to cakes, pastries and all sorts of confectionary including marzipan and almond brittle.

  • Le Coq Margarita Virgin 330ml

    Le Coq Margarita Virgin 330ml

    Virgin Margarita is the non-alcoholic version of this refreshing cocktail. A Premium Non-Alchoholic Cocktail. The Margarita is an alluringly red cocktail that gets its pleasant taste and bright colour from juicy watermelon. Virgin Margarita is the non-alcoholic version of this refreshing cocktail.

  • Le Coq Morjito Virgin 330ml

    Le Coq Morjito Virgin 330ml

    The mojito is a world-famous cocktail, combining the flavours of white rum, lime, mint and brown sugar. Virgin Mojito is the non-alcoholic version of this world famous cocktail

  • Lemon Syrup Dist Ales Non Alc

    Lemon Syrup Dist Ales Non Alc

     DISTILLERIA ALESSANDRO in northern Italy produce a great range of authentic Italian syrups. Use them to create refreshing long drinks by adding your favourite syrup flavour to lemonade, soda water, mineral or natural water. Syrup flavours consist of Mint, Orange, Barley, Lemon, Strawberry, Sour Cherry, Grenadine and Almond Milk. Also add your favourite flavoured syrup to cakes, pastries and all sorts of confectionary including marzipan and almond brittle.

  • Miele Orzata Syrup 1lt

    Miele Orzata Syrup 1lt

  • Mint Syrup

    Mint Syrup

    DISTILLERIA ALESSANDRO in northern Italy produce a great range of authentic Italian syrups. Use them to create refreshing long drinks by adding your favourite syrup flavour to lemonade, soda water, mineral or natural water. Syrup flavours consist of Mint, Orange, Barley, Lemon, Strawberry, Sour Cherry, Grenadine and Almond Milk. Also add your favourite flavoured syrup to cakes, pastries and all sorts of confectionary including marzipan and almond brittle.

  • Monin Agave Syrup

    Monin Agave Syrup

    Agave syrup is a balanced sweetener with a smooth flavour profile perfect for enhancing teas, margaritas, other cocktails and more. Similar to sugar yet sweeter, with honey-nutty notes. Subtle sweetness and full flavour.

  • Monin Lychee Syrup

    Monin Lychee Syrup

    The delicate, floral-perfumed juiciness of the Chinese lychee exemplifies the flavor of the Far East. Mix in our Lychee Syrup to add its sweet, exotic, melon-like flavor to iced teas, cocktails, sodas and smoothies.

  • Monin Pineapple Syrup

    Monin Pineapple Syrup

    Monin Pineapple Syrup a tropical and flavorful choice for businesses seeking to elevate their beverages with the authentic taste of juicy pineapples. This 700ml bottle captures the essence of sweet and tangy pineapples, meticulously crafted to meet the discerning demands of your clientele.

  • Monin Vanilla Syrup 700ml

    Monin Vanilla Syrup 700ml

    Made with select ingredients and pure cane sugar, MONIN Vanilla Syrup is a highly concentrated, authentic flavoring offering exceptional versatility for creating specialty beverages. Distinctive and sweet vanilla extract aroma, smooth, custard-like vanilla flavor derived from select Madagascar vanilla beans.

  • Monin Watermelon Syrup

    Monin Watermelon Syrup

    Strong pure watermelon flavour, exotic fresh and juicy watermelon taste. MONIN Watermelon tastes great! It is perfect for summer drinks
