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Soft Drinks

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  • Stappi Gassosa 200ml

    Stappi Gassosa 200ml

    Stappi Drinks – Italian soft drinks have taken a new twist now available in 6 different flavours. Aranciata (Orange), Gassosa (Lemonade), Limone (Lemon), Chinotto (Cola), Stappino (Orange and Lemon flavoured) Bitter (Bitter Raspberry flavour) and Al Caffe (Coffee) all produced according to an original recipe to seal the effervescent goodness of Italian non-alcoholic beverages.

  • Stappi Lemon 200ml

    Stappi Lemon 200ml

    Italian soft drinks have taken a new twist now available in 6 different flavours. Aranciata (Orange),Gassosa (Lemonade), Limone (Lemon), Chinotto (Cola), Stappino (Orange and Lemon flavoured) Bitter (Bitter Raspberry flavour) and Al Caffe (Coffee) all produced according to an original recipe to seal the effervescent goodness of Italian non-alcoholic beverages. Enjoy them on their own or mixed with your favourite base drink.

  • Stappi Stappino 100ml

    Stappi Stappino 100ml

    Italian soft drinks have taken a new twist now available in 6 different flavours. Aranciata (Orange),Gassosa (Lemonade), Limone (Lemon), Chinotto (Cola), Stappino (Orange and Lemon flavoured) Bitter (Bitter Raspberry flavour) and Al Caffe (Coffee) all produced according to an original recipe to seal the effervescent goodness of Italian non-alcoholic beverages. Enjoy them on their own or mixed with your favourite base drink.

  • Strawberry Syrup

    Strawberry Syrup

    DISTILLERIA ALESSANDRO in northern Italy produce a great range of authentic Italian syrups. Use them to create refreshing long drinks by adding your favourite syrup flavour to lemonade, soda water, mineral or natural water. Syrup flavours consist of Mint, Orange, Barley, Lemon, Strawberry, Sour Cherry, Grenadine and Almond Milk. Also add your favourite flavoured syrup to cakes, pastries and all sorts of confectionary including marzipan and almond brittle. 

  • Valfrutta Apricot Nectar 125ml

    Valfrutta Apricot Nectar 125ml

  • Valfrutta Peach Nectar 125ml

    Valfrutta Peach Nectar 125ml

  • Valfrutta Pear Nectar 125ml

    Valfrutta Pear Nectar 125ml

  • Vedrenne Almond Syrup  1000ml

    Vedrenne Almond Syrup 1000ml

    A syrup range that preserves all the authenticity of the flavours of the land. A high concentration of fruit juices, plants and spices for intense flavours Let yourself be transported into a world of sweetness with Vedrenne Orgeat Syrup. Perfect in milkshakes, hot chocolates, cocktails or alcohol-free drinks. Refrigerate after opening.

    Sweet and sweet almond fragrance with nuances of cereal flakes.

  • Vinut Lychee Juice Cans 500ml

    Vinut Lychee Juice Cans 500ml

    Sweet lychee aroma, full of natural flavor, smooth and delicate taste, as if every bite can taste the fresh lychee delicious and sweet. A refreshing drink to quench one's thirst in summer.

  • Vinut Pineapple Juice Cans 500ml

    Vinut Pineapple Juice Cans 500ml

    The Pineapple, often described as the ‘crown jewel’ of tropical fruits, is well-renowned for its delightful, sweet, and tangy flavor. 

  • Voss Still Water 800ml

    Voss Still Water 800ml
