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  • Aperol Spritz Pack

    Aperol Spritz Pack

    Aperol and Prosecco in a gift pack, what more could you want.

  • Bellussi Extra Dry Prosecco

    Bellussi Extra Dry Prosecco

     Made from Prosecco grapes grown in the hills north of the Piave River, near Treviso in the Veneto Region, this white sparkling wine is at its best when made in the area of Valdobbiadene. It is a wonderful wine for a light aperitif before meals.

  • Bericanto Prosecco Doc

    Bericanto Prosecco Doc

    Brut sparkling wine, "metodo Martinotti" (fermented in tanks)

    Bright and vivid in color, sparkling and slightly aromatic note, bubbly and refreshing taste with dry finish.

    Use it for celebrations, desserts, aperitifs. Suitable throughout the meal with fine and delicate recipes.


  • Brown Bros Prosecco Ultra Low

    Brown Bros Prosecco Ultra Low

    The Brown Brothers Prosecco Ultra Low is the perfect wine to share with friends that are looking for a fun night that is alcohol free. While delicious on its own, Prosecco Ultra low is perfect with lighter seafood dishes like whiting fillets served with steamed broccolini and a lemon infused oil dressing.
    Prosecco Ultra Low has the classic pear and apple Prosecco flavours that dominate with a crisp citrus tang on the finish

  • Calappiano Prosecco Gold Brut Doc

    Calappiano Prosecco Gold Brut Doc

    A sublime sparkling wine, produced according to the rules of the Charmat Method. Amazingly fruity, pleasantly refreshing and superbly lively on the palate. It has a perfectly balanced texture and a creamy perlage.

  • Canti Prosecco Organic

    Canti Prosecco Organic

    Canti Organic Prosecco is dry and crisp. The wine displays notes of apricot, apple, and almonds. 

    BIO for Biologico (Organic)

    Organic wine 

  • Canti Prosecco Dry

    Canti Prosecco Dry

    The palate mirrors the aromas of citrus and peaches finishing with refreshing, crisp acidity.

  • Casanova Prosecco Doc Brut

    Casanova Prosecco Doc Brut

    Pale pink colour. It has lively perlage and a persistent foam and intense aromas with floral scents of white and red flowers, accompanied by fruity notes such as apple, pear and hints of red fruit, such as strawberry and raspberry. The taste is fresh and it is feels pleasant and harmonious on the palate.

  • Cielo Prosecco Love Story

    Cielo Prosecco Love Story

    Fresh and floral bouquet, slightly aromatic. Fruited and elegant.

  • Crittenden Pinocchio Prosecco

    Crittenden Pinocchio Prosecco

    This is a clean and dry Prosecco that has fresh aromas of apple blossom and lemon zest. The palate is full of refreshing citrus with nashi pear and a touch of creaminess. Perfect aperitif or to pair with light seafood or antipasto.

  • Sale!De Bortoli King Valley Prosecco

    De Bortoli King Valley Prosecco

    Australia’s natural home for Prosecco. Many families originated from Northern Italy where the Prosecco grapes are indigenous. Ideal climate and breathtaking scenery at the base of Victoria’s snowfields.


    Pale with green hues. Fruit-driven with hints of green apple and wisteria. It tastes of apple and pear with fresh pithy lemon, gentle creaminess, complete with the very fine bubbles that we call ‘bead’.

    $16.99 $13.99
  • Sale!De Bortoli King Valley Rose Prosecco

    De Bortoli King Valley Rose Prosecco

    White flowers, red apples, red currants and some rhubarb socialise alongside energetic fizz. A little creamy texture adds savoury appeal. It is a wine that will be easily enjoyed given its crowd pleasing appeal.

    $16.99 $13.99