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Imported Sparkling

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  • Bellavista Franciacorta Gran Cuvee

    Bellavista Franciacorta Gran Cuvee

    Cuvee is mostly made from Chardonnay with small amounts of Pinot Nero and Pinot Bianca. It shows aromas and flavours of ripe peach and nectarine, along with brioche, citrus peel and pastry. Good acidity combined with a strong minerality and a creamy mousse gives this wine a beautiful and long finish.

  • Bellavista Franciacorta Saten Brut

    Bellavista Franciacorta Saten Brut

    The complex bouquet boasts intense aromas of pink flowers, ripe citrus fruit and noisette. On the palate, the wine is elegant, refined and soft, with a creamy texture, freshness and balance that emphasise the excellent quality of the fruit. `Satèn` will age well for at least five years after the vintage.

  • Bosca Asti Docg Sparkling

    Bosca Asti Docg Sparkling

  • Bosca Glamti Sparkling Tea 750ml

    Bosca Glamti Sparkling Tea 750ml

    GLAMTÌ is an extraordinary fusion of flavours, a daring blend that transcends the norms. It’s elegant, and extroverted all in one delightful sip. A refreshing Italian creation with just 5% alcohol. Black tea, wine and “Limone di Sorrento I.G.P.” juice: the very first effortless and unique sparkling tea, ideal for every moment of the day.

  • Bosca La Cuvee Brut De Monsieur Bosca

    Bosca La Cuvee Brut De Monsieur Bosca

  • Ca Dei Frati Cuvee Dei Frati Metodo Classico

    Ca Dei Frati Cuvee Dei Frati Metodo Classico

    A fine continuous perlage, it appears to us in the glass as a bright yellow colour with green highlights. Fragrant to the nose, with hints of citrus, flowers and traces of peach. The silky and creamy carbonate makes room for the acidity to stimulate salivation

  • Canals And Munne Insuperable Brut Cava

    Canals And Munne Insuperable Brut Cava

    Pale yellow tone with smooth pearly bubbles that form numerous ribbons and a ever-lasting ring on the glass.  Pleasantly fresh varietal and floral aromas.

  • Cesconi Blauwal Cuvee Extra Brut

    Cesconi Blauwal Cuvee Extra Brut

    It is the company's cuvée, which comes from the assembly of grapes from different vineyards on the Pressano hill. The composition of this Blanc de Blancs also includes the use of reserves from previous vintages which brings considerable complexity , without however weighing down the wine. Only after 40 months of aging on the lees is the cuvèe ready to leave the cellar. We keep a low dosage to preserve the organoleptic qualities of the base wine as much as possible .

  • Edmond Thery Blanc De Blanc

    Edmond Thery Blanc De Blanc

    A sparkling French wine that is dry and easy on the palate.

  • Enrico Gatti Franciacorta Brut Nv

    Enrico Gatti Franciacorta Brut Nv

    Crisp and fresh with notes of almond and bread. Pale golden straw. Lively citrus zest and lime aromas are complemented by white flowers and chalk, and a hint of yeast emerges with aeration.

  • Ferrari Brut Maximum 750ml

    Ferrari Brut Maximum 750ml

    The colour is straw yellow with pale greenish highlights. The bouquet is intense, fresh and persistent, with a broad fruity note of ripe golden delicious apples and wild flowers, together with a faint, delicately yeasty fragrance. Clean, restrained and well-balanced, with a delicate and appealing background of ripe fruit and a hint of crusty bread, both of which linger on the palate.

  • Freixenet Cordon Cava

    Freixenet Cordon Cava
