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Sparkling Wines

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  • Abele 1757 Brut Nv

    Abele 1757 Brut Nv

    Pale golden colour with greenish highlights. Remarkably fine bubbles and a beautiful, persistent bead. Bouquet: Attractive and luscious, with hints of hawthorn and acacia blossoms as well as overtones of peach and apricot. 

  • Allegra Prosecco 750ml

    Allegra Prosecco 750ml

  • Aperol Spritz Pack

    Aperol Spritz Pack

    Aperol and Prosecco in a gift pack, what more could you want.

  • Bellavista Franciacorta Gran Cuvee

    Bellavista Franciacorta Gran Cuvee

    Cuvee is mostly made from Chardonnay with small amounts of Pinot Nero and Pinot Bianca. It shows aromas and flavours of ripe peach and nectarine, along with brioche, citrus peel and pastry. Good acidity combined with a strong minerality and a creamy mousse gives this wine a beautiful and long finish.

  • Bellavista Franciacorta Saten Brut

    Bellavista Franciacorta Saten Brut

    The complex bouquet boasts intense aromas of pink flowers, ripe citrus fruit and noisette. On the palate, the wine is elegant, refined and soft, with a creamy texture, freshness and balance that emphasise the excellent quality of the fruit. `Satèn` will age well for at least five years after the vintage.

  • Bellini Cipriani 750ml

    Bellini Cipriani 750ml

    Cocktails outside of bars can be tricky work, but Cipriani have taken it upon themselves to do the heavy lifting for you. They've sourced and pureed the finest white peaches, and mixed them with their prosecco - making sure to leave in the pulp - so that you can pop off the cork and enjoy a delightful Bellini in the comfort of your own home, the office or anywhere else you like!

  • Bericanto Prosecco Doc

    Bericanto Prosecco Doc

    Brut sparkling wine, "metodo Martinotti" (fermented in tanks)

    Bright and vivid in color, sparkling and slightly aromatic note, bubbly and refreshing taste with dry finish.

    Use it for celebrations, desserts, aperitifs. Suitable throughout the meal with fine and delicate recipes.


  • Bollinger Special Cuvee Nv

    Bollinger Special Cuvee Nv

  • Borgo San Pietro Asolo Prosecco Superiore Vedova

    Borgo San Pietro Asolo Prosecco Superiore Vedova

    This prosecco has fresh and delicate, fruit-dominant aromatics of pear and lychee, while on the palate is generous yet clean and persistent. A perfect aperitif or serve with seafood.

  • Bosca Asti Docg Sparkling

    Bosca Asti Docg Sparkling

  • Bosca Glamti Sparkling Tea 750ml

    Bosca Glamti Sparkling Tea 750ml

    GLAMTÌ is an extraordinary fusion of flavours, a daring blend that transcends the norms. It’s elegant, and extroverted all in one delightful sip. A refreshing Italian creation with just 5% alcohol. Black tea, wine and “Limone di Sorrento I.G.P.” juice: the very first effortless and unique sparkling tea, ideal for every moment of the day.

  • Ca Dei Frati Cuvee Dei Frati Metodo Classico

    Ca Dei Frati Cuvee Dei Frati Metodo Classico

    A fine continuous perlage, it appears to us in the glass as a bright yellow colour with green highlights. Fragrant to the nose, with hints of citrus, flowers and traces of peach. The silky and creamy carbonate makes room for the acidity to stimulate salivation
