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Imported Sparkling

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  • Ferrari Brut Maximum 750ml

    Ferrari Brut Maximum 750ml

    The colour is straw yellow with pale greenish highlights. The bouquet is intense, fresh and persistent, with a broad fruity note of ripe golden delicious apples and wild flowers, together with a faint, delicately yeasty fragrance. Clean, restrained and well-balanced, with a delicate and appealing background of ripe fruit and a hint of crusty bread, both of which linger on the palate.

  • Freixenet Cordon Cava

    Freixenet Cordon Cava

  • Grandin Brut

    Grandin Brut

    Produced using the traditional method, Grandin sparkling is elegant with an exception bouquet and exquisite aroma.

  • Henkell Trocken

    Henkell Trocken

    Henkell Trocken combines sparkling wine competence, elegance, class, unconventiality, activity and dynamics like no other in an independent and inimitable way, making it the ideal sparkling wine for casual but stylish celebrations. Henkell Trocken is a classic dry, fully matured, elegant sparkling wine with distinctive character and a gentle flowery, vinous bouquet.

  • Henkell Trocken Nv 200ml

    Henkell Trocken Nv 200ml

    Henkell Trocken combines sparkling wine competence, elegance, class, unconventiality, activity and dynamics like no other in an independent and inimitable way, making it the ideal sparkling wine for casual but stylish celebrations. Henkell Trocken is a classic dry, fully matured, elegant sparkling wine with distinctive character and a gentle flowery, vinous bouquet.

  • Henkell Trocken Rose Nv 200ml

    Henkell Trocken Rose Nv 200ml

  • Katlenburger Mango

    Katlenburger Mango

  • Katlenburger Strawberry

    Katlenburger Strawberry

    Katlenburger Strawberry Sparkling offers an exquisite fine sparkling fruit indulgence in perfection and a delicious alternative to sparkling wine and champagne. 80 years of experience in producing best sparkling wines, the exclusive use of high quality raw materials and our exceptional accuracy guarantee highest fruit indulgence.

  • La Montina Franciacorta Saten Brut

    La Montina Franciacorta Saten Brut

    It has a soft sparkle with delicate perlage and a beautiful straw colour which varies according to vintage. The bouquet is complex with hints of fresh fruit, acacia and linden. The ideal accompaniment for delicate entrées, fish and white meats.

  • Lafayette Blanc De Blanc Sparkling

    Lafayette Blanc De Blanc Sparkling

    Golden wheat colour tints with clear fine bubbles. Fresh and fruity, honey hints with dominance of white peach and apricot aromas. The palate is crisp, well balanced and pleasant.

  • Marchese Antinori Montenisa Cuvee Franciacorta

    Marchese Antinori Montenisa Cuvee Franciacorta

  • Mezza Di Mezzacorona Extra Dry Sparkling

    Mezza Di Mezzacorona Extra Dry Sparkling

    The bouquet displays rich and intense aromas of fresh fruits like red apple, pear, white peach and melon, and delicate pineapple with an elegant note of wild mountain rose. The palate is very pleasant with a soft mousse, persistent bubbles and smooth acidity.
