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Sparkling Wines

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  • Ferrari Brut F1 Special Edition

    Ferrari Brut F1 Special Edition

    A collectible Trentodoc, obtained from 100% Chardonnay, left to mature on the lees for 36 months. The nose is full of aromas of peach, plum, pink grapefruit, and orange blossom, followed by hints of shortcrust pastry and glazed almond.

  • Ferrari Brut Maximum 750ml

    Ferrari Brut Maximum 750ml

    The colour is straw yellow with pale greenish highlights. The bouquet is intense, fresh and persistent, with a broad fruity note of ripe golden delicious apples and wild flowers, together with a faint, delicately yeasty fragrance. Clean, restrained and well-balanced, with a delicate and appealing background of ripe fruit and a hint of crusty bread, both of which linger on the palate.

  • Fournay and Fils Premier Cru Blanc De Blanc

    Fournay and Fils Premier Cru Blanc De Blanc

  • Freixenet Cordon Cava

    Freixenet Cordon Cava

  • Grandin Brut

    Grandin Brut

    Produced using the traditional method, Grandin sparkling is elegant with an exception bouquet and exquisite aroma.

  • Grant Burge Prosecco

    Grant Burge Prosecco

    A light straw colour with a fresh green edge. Fine bubbles. Lifted characters of fresh pear, white flowers and pistachio. Fresh and lively with characters of crunchy pear, lemongrass and light honey. The wine is dry, in balance and has a lively natural effervescence.

  • Henkell Trocken

    Henkell Trocken

    Henkell Trocken combines sparkling wine competence, elegance, class, unconventiality, activity and dynamics like no other in an independent and inimitable way, making it the ideal sparkling wine for casual but stylish celebrations. Henkell Trocken is a classic dry, fully matured, elegant sparkling wine with distinctive character and a gentle flowery, vinous bouquet.

  • Henkell Trocken Nv 200ml

    Henkell Trocken Nv 200ml

    Henkell Trocken combines sparkling wine competence, elegance, class, unconventiality, activity and dynamics like no other in an independent and inimitable way, making it the ideal sparkling wine for casual but stylish celebrations. Henkell Trocken is a classic dry, fully matured, elegant sparkling wine with distinctive character and a gentle flowery, vinous bouquet.

  • Henkell Trocken Rose Nv 200ml

    Henkell Trocken Rose Nv 200ml

  • Jansz Rose Non Vintage

    Jansz Rose Non Vintage

    The Jansz Premium NV Rose is based upon Jansz wines of several vintages. Specially selected and crafted individual batches from cool climate locations in Tasmania, form this wine.

  • Jip Jip Rocks Sparkling Shiraz

    Jip Jip Rocks Sparkling Shiraz

  • Katlenburger Mango

    Katlenburger Mango
