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Sparkling Wines

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  • Sale!Mumm Cordon Rouge Non Vintage

    Mumm Cordon Rouge Non Vintage

    Fresh, golden yellow colour with hints of jade, the wine’s abundant bubbles, both fine and elegant, demonstrate the finesse of this champagne. On the nose aromas of lemon and grapefruit, combined with the richness of firm, fleshy fruits such as white peaches, apricots and tart apples bring freshness and liveliness to the wine. These are followed by hints of vanilla, enriched with caramel. Honeyed nuts also play their part, The bubbles are rich on the palate, but never overpowering. The perfect balance is combined with a rounded, full vinosity. The mix of fresh fruit and caramel aromas give even more intensity to the finish. This is a subtly balanced wine with a remarkable capacity to linger in the mouth.

    $74.99 $63.99
  • Mumm Marlborough Brut Prestige

    Mumm Marlborough Brut Prestige

    Mumm Marlborough Brut Prestige is a distinctive sparkling wine that marries the best of New Zealand Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Meunier grapes with Méthode Traditionnelle techniques from the French Champagne Maison Mumm. The result is a refined, elegant wine of exceptional quality & delightful fruity notes. Notes of fresh fruit (pear, apricot, peach, and citrus) dominate, complemented by notes of honey and biscuit. After a frank and lively attack, fresh fruit notes permit a beautiful balance on the palate. A tense and attractive structured finish. 

  • Pasqua Party Like An Italian Prosecco 750ml

    Pasqua Party Like An Italian Prosecco 750ml

    Straw-yellow colour with delicate floral notes, hints of apple and the grape variety’s typical bitter finish. 
    This wine can stand alone as a delightful aperitif or be paired with all the starters or with fish dishes. To be served cold.

  • Petersons Sparkling Shiraz

    Petersons Sparkling Shiraz

  • Piccini Prosecco Extra Dry Doc 750ml

    Piccini Prosecco Extra Dry Doc 750ml

    Fruity rich scents of apple, lemon and grapefruit. Flora aromas clash with bitter citrus to create a vivd and fresh taste. 

  • Piccini Rose Prosecco Venetian Dress

    Piccini Rose Prosecco Venetian Dress

  • Pol Roger Non Vintage

    Pol Roger Non Vintage

    The "White Foil" blend contains approximately one third of each three grape varieties of Champagne. Pinot Noir contributes body, depth of character and life extending tannins, Pinot Meunier adds youthful freshness, vigour and plump fruit character while Chardonnay gives lightness, elegance and firmness.

  • Raw Vine Organic Sparkling Shiraz

    Raw Vine Organic Sparkling Shiraz

  • Rotari Metodo Classico

    Rotari Metodo Classico

    Rotari Brut is made only with Chardonnay grapes in the traditional Metodo
    Classico style with respect to the Trento DOC discipline. It rests on the yeast
    for 24 months.Flavor: Full, fragrant, harmonic, pleasantly balanced
    Fine and persistent
    Optimal as an aperitif, ideal with all meals

    This winery is Sustainable.

  • Rotari Rose Sparkling

    Rotari Rose Sparkling

    Soft Pink in colour
    Elegant, fruity, extreme subtlety and hints of wild strawberries,
    currant, and grape stems
    Fresh, fragrant, intense, with hints of yeast and spices
    Ideal as an aperitif and with all meals, goes well with fish appetizers

  • Rudesheimer Gold Sparkling

    Rudesheimer Gold Sparkling

    Gold Edition is a high quality sparkling wine, with a full, rounded flavour. Light and elegant in style, what makes it really distinctive is that it contains fine flakes of 22-carat gold leaf, designed to highlight its natural effervescence. A great apéritif or accompaniment for light meals and hors d’oeuvres, this is the perfect wine for celebrations and special occasions.

  • Ruinart Blanc De Blanc Champagne

    Ruinart Blanc De Blanc Champagne

    On the nose, Ruinart Blanc de Blancs offers fresh fruits dominated by citrus fruit and pineapple mixed with notes of white flowers and spices (ginger and cardamom). On the palate, a superb Blanc de Blancs is revealed with a clean, pure and well-defined palate. The attack is supple and full-bodied.
