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Sparkling Wines

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  • Sale!Ruinart Brut Champagne

    Ruinart Brut Champagne

    R de Ruinart is yellow in colour with golden glints and a beautiful crystal-clear brilliance with a persistent stream of fine and delicate bubbles. On the nose the wine is delicate, fresh and fruit filled, dominated by white-fleshed fruits (pear), apricot as well as hazelnuts and fresh almonds. Floral, spicy notes leading to delicious flavours of brioche and biscuit, for an extra touch of complexity, follow

  • Saint-gall Brut Tradition Premier Cru Nv 750ml

    Saint-gall Brut Tradition Premier Cru Nv 750ml

    Champagne Brut Sélection from Maison DE SAINT-GALL is elaborated from a blend composed with 55% Chardonnay, 25% Pinot Noir and 20% Pinot Meunier.

  • Santa Margarita Rose Sparkling

    Santa Margarita Rose Sparkling

    his pale pink wine brings a full bouquet of pleasing floral aromas with hints of red berry, artfully crafted with a blend of white wine made from Chardonnay and Glera grapes and a red varietal, Malbec. Its flavor is delicate, but vibrant and well rounded, remaining on the palate and making this a deliciously easy-drinking wine.

    A tasty, aromatic aperitif, and an exciting companion for your food explorations: savory Italian appetizers, complex seafood dishes, and spicy, exotic seasoning of East Asian cuisines.

  • Santa Margherita Superiore Prosecco

    Santa Margherita Superiore Prosecco

    This sparkling wine has fine bubbles winding through its bright straw yellow color and greenish reflections. Its aroma will remind you of peaches and sweet flowers, and its flavor includes fruity hints of pineapples and Rennet apples.

  • See Saw Prosecco Nv

    See Saw Prosecco Nv

    A generous bead of bubbles with a soft pale straw hue. Freshly and lively hints of honeydew melon and freshly cut pear. Soft on the palate with a sherbet like acidity that finished crisp and refreshing with a touch of complexity. Enjoy with prosciutto, stuffed mushrooms, creamy sauces, almonds, seafood, fried fare, spicy Asian dishes. Also excellent with pastries, biscuits, cakes and other sweet things.

  • Sale!Sidra Gaitero

    Sidra Gaitero

  • Tamburlaine Organic Petillant Rouge Nv

    Tamburlaine Organic Petillant Rouge Nv

    Notes of black Cherry, Mulberry and forest floor on the nose. Seamless bright red and black fruit flavours throughout. Winemakers. A premium blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot and Pinot Noir. A soft wine with an elegant fizz.

  • The Chateau Sparkling Shiraz

    The Chateau Sparkling Shiraz

    The nose is elegant and lively with lovely, rich aromas of blackberry, dark cherry fruit and spice. The wine is vibrant and balanced with a soft, creamy, palate of strawberry and red cherry fruit flavours. The finish is fresh and lively with great length.

  • Toso Asti Spumante

    Toso Asti Spumante

    Toso Asti Spumante is sweet, aromatic, fruity and floral sparkling wine, moderate in alcohol, with fine sparkle and long lasting perlage. Of yellow straw color, it is a fine and elegant wine, ideal to celebrate every joyful event.

  • Toso Brachetto Dacqui 750ml

    Toso Brachetto Dacqui 750ml

    From the Piedmontese hills we get the Brachetto grapes for this sweet aromatic sparkling wine of red colour and fruity fragrance.

    Very delicate, harmonic, and fruity, sweet red sparkling wine, with typical musky fragrance. It has intense ruby red colour underlined by a fine and longlasting perlage.

     â€‹Excellent in combination with dry pastries, fruit and fruit salads.

  • Toso Prosecco Millesimato Vintage

    Toso Prosecco Millesimato Vintage

    The gentle, harmonious flavor of wine felt notes of apple, pear and white peach. 

    The taste of wine is well structured, demonstrates a pleasant dryness and excellent balance. Fresh flavor palette is represented by fruity notes on the background of delicate acidity.
  • Toso Prosecco Paper Label Fiocco Di Vite

    Toso Prosecco Paper Label Fiocco Di Vite
