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  • Pasqua Party Like An Italian Prosecco 750ml

    Pasqua Party Like An Italian Prosecco 750ml

    Straw-yellow colour with delicate floral notes, hints of apple and the grape variety’s typical bitter finish. 
    This wine can stand alone as a delightful aperitif or be paired with all the starters or with fish dishes. To be served cold.

  • Piccini Prosecco Extra Dry Doc 750ml

    Piccini Prosecco Extra Dry Doc 750ml

    Fruity rich scents of apple, lemon and grapefruit. Flora aromas clash with bitter citrus to create a vivd and fresh taste. 

  • Piccini Rose Prosecco Venetian Dress

    Piccini Rose Prosecco Venetian Dress

  • Riccadonna Prosecco

    Riccadonna Prosecco

    This extra dry sparkling wine arises from Giera grapes from the Proseccon area in Veneto seductive fruity apple bouquet and a fresh crisp citrus palate.

  • Santa Margherita Superiore Prosecco

    Santa Margherita Superiore Prosecco

    This sparkling wine has fine bubbles winding through its bright straw yellow color and greenish reflections. Its aroma will remind you of peaches and sweet flowers, and its flavor includes fruity hints of pineapples and Rennet apples.

  • See Saw Prosecco Nv

    See Saw Prosecco Nv

    A generous bead of bubbles with a soft pale straw hue. Freshly and lively hints of honeydew melon and freshly cut pear. Soft on the palate with a sherbet like acidity that finished crisp and refreshing with a touch of complexity. Enjoy with prosciutto, stuffed mushrooms, creamy sauces, almonds, seafood, fried fare, spicy Asian dishes. Also excellent with pastries, biscuits, cakes and other sweet things.

  • Toso Prosecco Millesimato Vintage

    Toso Prosecco Millesimato Vintage

    The gentle, harmonious flavor of wine felt notes of apple, pear and white peach. 

    The taste of wine is well structured, demonstrates a pleasant dryness and excellent balance. Fresh flavor palette is represented by fruity notes on the background of delicate acidity.
  • Toso Prosecco Paper Label Fiocco Di Vite

    Toso Prosecco Paper Label Fiocco Di Vite

  • Valdo Prosecco Marca Oro

    Valdo Prosecco Marca Oro

    VALDO is the name synonymous with Prosecco. Located right in the heart of the Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG production area, in Italy the Valdo Winery has been cultivating this unique area for generations. Over 80 years of passion for its vineyards, care for its cellars and love for wine have led Valdo to successfully promote the culture of Prosecco throughout the world, and to receive prestigious accolades year after year for its range. VALDO MARCA ORO VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO DOCG is the star of the Valdo collection and recognised throughout the world with its distinctive yellow label. It has an alcohol content of 11% and is a sleek and mild tasting Proseco with a slightly sweet aftertaste and extra fine persistent perlage. Best served chilled as an aperitif yet can be enjoyed throughout the whole meal with fine food and above all fish.

  • Valdo Prosecco Quintini 200ml

    Valdo Prosecco Quintini 200ml

    VALDO is the name synonymous with Prosecco. Located right in the heart of the Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG production area, in Italy the Valdo Winery has been cultivating this unique area for generations. Over 80 years of passion for its vineyards, care for its cellars and love for wine have led Valdo to successfully promote the culture of Prosecco throughout the world, and to receive prestigious accolades year after year for its range. VALDO PROSECCO TREVISO DOC  features a typical mildly fruity bouquet reminiscent of ripe wild apples and the scent of acacia flowers. Its taste on the palate is decidedly fruity with a bright and zesty finish. Pairs very well as an all-meal sparkling wine and aperitif.

  • Sale!Villa Teresa Prosecco

    Villa Teresa Prosecco

    Pale straw yellow colour with fine perlage. Fruity wine, slightly aromatic with notes of honey, flowers and wild apple.

    Perfect as aperitif, it is also delicious with appetizers, delicately flavoured food and all fish dishes.

  • Yarra Burn Prosecco

    Yarra Burn Prosecco

    An elegant and vibrant Prosecco, with fresh pear with nuances of grapefruit and baker’s yeast on the nose, whilst the palate shows lively flavours of pear and pistachio. Harvested in the cool of night and gently pressed to achieve full flavour, the refreshing, crisp style makes this wine an excellent match to fresh seafood.
