Jerzu Vermentino Di Sardegna Doc
Straw yellow with green tinges. Distinctively aromatic, with a fine, stylish bouquet, balanced, mellow, good structure. Excellent as an aperitif, it matches superbly with shellfish and fish dishes in general
$27.99$23.99 -
Jim Beam White 700ml
Jim Beam White is gentle & smooth bourbon and mixes perfectly with Cola’s, Ginger Ale & Lemonade. Try it with a wedge of fresh orange squeezed in the mix to liven it up.
$49.99$41.99 -
Kahlua 700 Ml
Kahlua is a rich, dark brown viscous coffee liqueur with a unique, sensual and exotic flavour. It’s coffee-driven taste profile is underpinned by a blend of the finest imported rums, the sweetest vanilla, the richest caramel,and tropical cane sugar spirit, coupled with aromatic hints of chocolate and nut.
$41.99$34.99 -
Mama Lemon Moscato
Grape Variety Moscato and Lemon. Bouquet Intense citrus and lemon notes. Taste Good citrus freshness, accompanied by a pleasant drink and long persistence.
$23.99$14.99 -
Marzadro Pellarossa Rum And Honey
Here is the fruit of an old recipe revisited in a modern key! Redskin is a liquor made of Rum aged up to 12 years along with the precious honey of the bee-keeping about thirty. The result is a perfect balance between aroma, silky and spicy notes, twisted enveloping scents and tastes full and sweet.
$69.99$59.99 -
Medici Ermete Trebbiano Rubicone
Colour: Pale Yellow
Bouquet: Pleasant and Delicate, Lightly Fruity and Floral
Taste: Dry, Delicate, Fresh and Harmonious
$17.99$12.99 -
Monte Gorna Nicosia Etna Rosso Organic
The famous native Nerello Mascalese and Nerello Cappuccio grapes grown on high-elevation volcanic slopes of Mount Etna produce a rich and complex wine with a great minerality and flavoursome aromas such as red fruit, herbs, spices and liquorice. On the palate, this volcanic wine is well-balanced, with refined tannins and a long balsamic finish.
$59.99$39.99 -
Dee Vine Nericon Durif
Nericon Durif shows a dense colour with vibrant purple hues. Offering a complex and deeply layered structure of cassis, blueberries, anise and pepper spice. The rich tannins evolve onto the palate providing a long, lively finish accompanied by vanillan oak and luscious floral aromas.
$12.99$11.99 -
Dee Vine Nericon Pinot Grigio
Nericon Pinot Grigio has a crisp, ripe and vibrant expression of the grape, with a light fragrant aroma hitting the nose. Its approach to the palate is swift, with tones of green apple followed by the tart acidity of citrus.
$12.99$11.99 -
Organic Hill Rose
This unique Rosé is rich in colour and complexity. Opening with a fresh sweetness, the wine displays a complex flavour profile with hints of earthy beetroot, freshly squeezed apple juice, guava and confectionery watermelon with an elegant dry finish.
$19.99$13.99 -
Pasqua 11 Minutes Rose
The new rosé interpretation by Famiglia Pasqua is a fine blend created from the most noble native varietals like Corvina and Trebbiano di Lugana and varietals like Syrah and Carmenère. The name 11 MINUTES refers to the duration of the skin contact, the pressing of the grapes: the full load of grapes is very softly pressed.
A blend of Corvina, Trebbiano di Lugana, Syrah, Carmenère. The grapes have been carefully chosen so that, when harvested at proper maturity, they express all the characteristics desired for our rosé. The Corvina varietal dominates in terms of percentage and was chosen because it is one of the principal cultivars in our territory and for the floral aroma it gives the wine as well as guaranteeing significant acidity. Trebbiano brings elegance and a long aftertaste; Syrah gives fine fruit and spice notes to the glass and finally, Carmenère creates structure, ensuring stability over time.
It is ideal as an aperitif and as an accompaniment to the most delicate dishes.
$26.99$21.99 -
Quilty And Gransden Cabernet Sauvignon
From the ELEGANT, COOL, CLIMATE of Orange, NSW comes Quilty & Gransden Cabernet Sauvignon Pairs beautifully with rich barbecued meats.