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  • Sale!De Bortoli Deen Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    De Bortoli Deen Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Vegan friendly
    $10.99 $9.99
  • Sale!De Bortoli Deen Shiraz 750ml

    De Bortoli Deen Shiraz 750ml

    $10.99 $9.99
  • Sale!De Bortoli King Valley Prosecco

    De Bortoli King Valley Prosecco

    Australia’s natural home for Prosecco. Many families originated from Northern Italy where the Prosecco grapes are indigenous. Ideal climate and breathtaking scenery at the base of Victoria’s snowfields.


    Pale with green hues. Fruit-driven with hints of green apple and wisteria. It tastes of apple and pear with fresh pithy lemon, gentle creaminess, complete with the very fine bubbles that we call ‘bead’.

    $16.99 $13.99
  • Sale!De Bortoli King Valley Rose Prosecco

    De Bortoli King Valley Rose Prosecco

    White flowers, red apples, red currants and some rhubarb socialise alongside energetic fizz. A little creamy texture adds savoury appeal. It is a wine that will be easily enjoyed given its crowd pleasing appeal.

    $16.99 $13.99
  • Sale!Divici Rose Organic Prosecco

    Divici Rose Organic Prosecco

    The hills around Treviso in Northern Italy is the home of the Prosecco grape and famous DOC bubbly. Organically grown, very fine bubbles, cool bottle shape, this beauty is bound to crank up the music at the next get together.


    Fine bright perlage, light rosé colour. Delicate and complex bouquet with fruity notes that remind of peach, green apple and lemon. Floral notes of acacia and rose. Fresh and light on the palate, with balanced acidity and body. Round and full bodied structure.

    $21.99 $16.99
  • Sale!Dolin Vermouth Red 750ml

    Dolin Vermouth Red 750ml

    Dolin Vermouths are notably lighter, drier and less pungent than their larger commercial counterparts. The particular mixture of plants found near Chambéry give a fresh, restrained and elegant nose, with a subtle, complex bittersweet palate. Even the Blanc and Rouge retain great balance, with the sugar never cloying, and just enough bitterness to whet the appetite. Each can be enjoyed as aperitif on ice, with a twist of citrus, or in a broad array of traditional cocktails.

    $29.99 $26.99
  • Sale!Dona Paula Malbec

    Dona Paula Malbec

    Intense violet color. In the nose, aromas of black fruits, violets and spices. Mineral and graphite notes. Great balance and freshness in the mouth, with good concentration and medium structure.

    $34.99 $21.99
  • Sale!Dona Paula Pinot Noir

    Dona Paula Pinot Noir

    Soft and delicate violet-red color. Intense mineral aromas, with notes of graphite, pumice, red fruit and raspberry. A wine of a light and fluid body, with firm tannins and good acidity

    $34.99 $21.99
  • Sale!El Jimador Blanco Tequila

    El Jimador Blanco Tequila

    El Jimador Blanco is a young, fresh and natural tequila. Made from 100% blue agave, this sparklingly clear tequila is double-distilled to remove impurities and immediately bottled to preserve its crisp, authentic character. Its lively flavour and citrusy after tones make it an exceptional choice for classic Mexican drinks and other festive cocktails

    $61.99 $56.99
  • Sale!Evangelista Gin 700ml Organic

    Evangelista Gin 700ml Organic

    An original bouquet, a Harmonious Taste Emotion generated by its six components all organic: Juniper, Violet, Cardamom, Neroly, Bergamot, Angelica and Black Pepper.

    $79.99 $69.99
  • Sale!Fat Bastard Chardonnay

    Fat Bastard Chardonnay

    This great valued Chardonnay is everything you come to expect when you think of the fuller flavoured Chardonnay, it has it all, honeycomg, cashew, nutty, long after taste, with a spicy toasted oak flavours.

    $15.99 $12.99
  • Sale!Fat Bastard Malbec

    Fat Bastard Malbec

    Juicy dark fruits of plumm & black currant combined with fine but apparent tannins.

    $15.99 $12.99