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  • Sale!Huia Sauvignon Blanc

    Huia Sauvignon Blanc

    $28.99 $24.99
  • Sale!Jagermeister 700ml

    Jagermeister 700ml

    Jägermeister is a German bitter-sweet liqueur made from 56 varieties of herbs, fruits and spices, macerated in spirit for up to six weeks and then matured in oak before blending.

  • Sale!Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml

    Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml

    Mellow aromas with hints of toasted wood and sherry undertones. The taste is round and smooth, with sweet, spicy wood and biscuit tones and the finish is dry and incredibly smooth.

    Jameson is aged in bourbon and Spanish oloroso oak casks for a period between 5 and 7 years well beyond the minimum legal maturation period of 3 years.

    Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blend of triple distilled whiskeys unlike Scotch whiskies which are only distilled twice. The principal ingredients are Irish barley, malted and unmalted, and pure water.

    $57.99 $49.99
  • Sale!Jerzu Vermentino Di Sardegna Doc

    Jerzu Vermentino Di Sardegna Doc

    Straw yellow with green tinges. Distinctively aromatic, with a fine, stylish bouquet, balanced, mellow, good structure. Excellent as an aperitif, it matches superbly with shellfish and fish dishes in general 

    $27.99 $23.99
  • Sale!Kahlua 700 Ml

    Kahlua 700 Ml

     Kahlua is a rich, dark brown viscous coffee liqueur with a unique, sensual and exotic flavour. It’s coffee-driven taste profile is underpinned by a blend of the finest imported rums, the sweetest vanilla, the richest caramel,and tropical cane sugar spirit, coupled with aromatic hints of chocolate and nut.

    $41.99 $34.99
  • Sale!Kilikanoon Killermans Run Cabeernet Sauvignon

    Kilikanoon Killermans Run Cabeernet Sauvignon

    Brick red in colour with youthful crimson tints. A generously proportioned nose of cassis, smoky oak and ripe truffles. Full flavoured, plush and dark, with deep notes of blackberry and blackcurrants, all ensconced in subtle oak and fruit tannins.

    $22.99 $18.99
  • Sale!Kilikanoon Killermans Run Riesling

    Kilikanoon Killermans Run Riesling

    A lively and flavoursome palate, offering the mouth filling characters of lemons, orange blossom, hints of stone fruit and zesty natural acidity in a long and cleansing finish.

    $22.99 $18.99
  • Sale!Leeuwin Prelude Chardonnay

    Leeuwin Prelude Chardonnay

    Lifted and fragrant with an abundance of limes, Nashi pears, white peaches and baby pineapples. Heightened with notes of jasmine, frangipani and lemon blossom. Nuances of nougat, cashew and toasted almonds combine with brioche, brulee and mealy notes lying beneath. The palate is bright, well weighted with volume and presence, whilst maintaining focus and definition. Pink grapefruit, white nectarine and baked apple feature with diligent oak and subtle texture. The layered and contoured mid palate is finely checked with mineral acid thread.

  • Sale!Lost Turtle Sauvignon Blanc

    Lost Turtle Sauvignon Blanc

    This elegant Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc displays aromas of passionfruit with ripe gooseberry overtones. Youthful, exhibiting vibrant tropical fruit flavours, finely balanced with a crisp lingering finish.

    $21.99 $19.99
  • Sale!Louis Roederer Brut Premier

    Louis Roederer Brut Premier

  • Sale!Luz Gin London Dry 700ml

    Luz Gin London Dry 700ml

    Ideal for a Gin & Tonic, combined with dry tonic water, sublime for the preparation of a Naked Martini, excellent to be tasted individually. The maceration of 9 Trentino botanicals is carried out in 2 different phases. The juniper macerates for 20 days, the rest of the botanicals (Olive; Asperula; Laurel; Rosemary; Sage; Salvia Sclarea; Mentuccia) for 48 hours. The two macerations are combined in an alembic, leaving the botanicals immersed and adding the Garda lemon peels. The distillation is carried out with a 1000 liter discontinuous alembic still in Bagno Maria. Reduced to 45% vol. with spring water from Monte Stivo. Juniper is perceived on the nose, with slightly citrusy final notes, good persistence and intensity. On the palate it is complex, dry, decisive, herbaceous, it leaves the palate dry with pleasant notes of juniper, excellent persistence.

    Limited Edition

    $109.99 $89.99
  • Sale!Mama Lemon Moscato

    Mama Lemon Moscato

    Grape Variety Moscato and Lemon. Bouquet Intense citrus and lemon notes. Taste Good citrus freshness, accompanied by a pleasant drink and long persistence.

    $23.99 $14.99