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  • Madame Milu Amaro Herbal Liqueur 700ml

    Madame Milu Amaro Herbal Liqueur 700ml

    A herbal digestivo liqueur made with botanicals from our Vecchio Magazzino Doganale Farm in Calabria, Italy. Made with infusions of chamomile, mint, marjoram, lemon balm, fennel seeds and absinthe, distilled with "a secret composition of medicinal herbs."

  • Marzadro Infused Amaro

    Marzadro Infused Amaro

    Amaro Marzadro is inspired by ancient recipes for herbal liqueurs from Trentino tradition. Starting in the 1950s, Attilio and Sabina Marzadro gathered plants and herbs with which to aromatise their spirits on Monte Baldo, at 2218 metres above sea level. In the same way, today, alpine rhubarb, great yellow gentian, white bryony, chamomile, fennel, St. Benedict's thistle, goat's rue and different varieties of yarrow are picked by hand and then undergo cold maceration for a period ranging from 20 to 30 days. Its red colour is caused by the rhubarb, which gives the liqueur a taste that is bitter and cool at the same time.

  • Meletti Amaro 700ml

    Meletti Amaro 700ml

  • Nonino Amaro Quintessentia 700ml

    Nonino Amaro Quintessentia 700ml

    Extraordinary fragrance of mountain herbs ennobled by ÙE®, Nonino Grape Distillate, aged in barriques. It should be served in a tumbler with ice and a slice of orange peel or with crushed ice and a sprig of mint as a fabulous aperitif. It can also be served at room temperature after a meal as a digestif. Otherwise NoninoPunch® aromatic and spicy, for the happiness of the palate and the spirit!

  • Petrus Boonekamp Amaro

    Petrus Boonekamp Amaro

    A unique taste and a centuries-old history make Petrus Boonekamp “the father of all bitters”. Then as today, the digestive bitter par excellence. Petrus should be tasted smooth at room temperature.

    Petrus is pure, has a very intense taste and it isn't a drink for everyone, but it's versatile. It often appears when you look for it in the recipes of classic cocktails. Bitters are an essential ingredient in cocktails.

  • Piemme Amaro Ama  700ml

    Piemme Amaro Ama 700ml

    An immersive and surprising experience that will captivate your senses. Discover this incredible Italian liqueur and its unique flavor that will take you on a journey beyond the boundaries of taste. Experience the sophistication of a well-balanced and captivating drink, made with carefully selected ingredients from the Sorrento Peninsula and a unique recipe. A daring innovation that breaks the mold, able to satisfy even the most demanding palate. Ama is also the perfect choice for after-dinner occasions and extraordinary creations, the secret ingredient that will give life to unforgettable cocktails.

  • Poli Vaca Mora Amaro

    Poli Vaca Mora Amaro

    Bitter liquer obtained by putting aromatic herbs in infusion in Grappa and alcohol



    Bitter liqueur with natural infusion of plants, herbs and flowers with digestive properties.


    Its aroma recalls a wooden box full of officinal herbs and mint leaves.

  • Ramazzotti Amaro 700ml

    Ramazzotti Amaro 700ml

    Amaro Felsina Alc. 30%It is made from 33 different herbs and roots coming from all around the world. A smooth and delicate taste with a careful balance between sweet and bitter. Easy to drink, With a pleasant orange after taste.

  • Roger Amaro Tenere Sotto Banco 25% 700ml

    Roger Amaro Tenere Sotto Banco 25% 700ml

    Roger extra strong amaro is cleverly produced to cretae a unique product.

  • Russo 100ml Amaro Di Sicilia

    Russo 100ml Amaro Di Sicilia

    This liqueur is made by herbs and roots picked the territory around mount Etna depending on an ancient recipe. The procedure is traditional, so this pleasant liqueur preserves all the aromatic and digestive qualities of its ingredients.




    Excellent straight and on the rocks. Mixed with soda water it is an exclusive aperitif.

  • Russo 700ml Zagaro Amaro Orange Mandarin

    Russo 700ml Zagaro Amaro Orange Mandarin

    Full-bodied and unmistakable taste, which involves the sense of smell releasing an enveloping scent of oranges and mandarins. The intense amber color, recalls the immense expanses of Sicilian citrus orchards at sunset. Zagaro… the Amaro which sums up all the sensory experiences of a long journey in Sicily.

  • Russo Centoscorze Amaro Orange 500ml

    Russo Centoscorze Amaro Orange 500ml

    The renowned Citrus fruits of Sicily and the extraordinary herbs of Etna characterize this precious bitter with a Mediterranean taste and aroma. Drunk chilled or at room temperature, CENTROSCORZE is great at the end of a meal and to drink with friends.
