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  • Al Shallal Arak 750ml

    Al Shallal Arak 750ml

    This traditional liqueur is served with a splash of water which creates a cloudy white appearance. Fragrant and flavourful with notes of anice, licorice, fennel, citrus and cumin; medium sweet, intense on the palate with a long finish.

  • Arak Brun 5 Years Special Reserved 750ml

    Arak Brun 5 Years Special Reserved 750ml

    Named after François-Eugène Brun, Arak Brun might be the world’s most famous arak! Its production has been uninterrupted since the inception of the winery in 1868. It is made from the alcohol of estate grown Obeidi and Cinsault grapes, harvested at optimum ripeness, and blended with fresh anise. Since 2015, Domaine des Tourelles grows its own anise in Deir el Ahmar, a village in the district of Baalbek. Their arak is produced inside a hundred-year-old cellar, processed traditionally using a three-stage distillation in traditional alembics, and aged for 5 years in old clay jars. Arak is not sweetened. Serve with water – ice can be added.

  • Arak Mechaalany Carre Du Moine 700ml

    Arak Mechaalany Carre Du Moine 700ml

    Lebanon has been the home of hundreds of monasteries since the beginning of Christianity. These were mostly located on hilltops and valleys and were inhabited by peasant monks reputed for producing a high-quality local anis flavoured spirits called “Arak”. 

    Our Arak is made from pure grape alcohol and Damascene anis seeds. It is distilled in traditional copper alembics slowly heated with wine wood. It is then placed in terracotta amphoras to rest and allow the evaporation of around 10% of its volume.

    This time honoured process endows our Arak with a unique flavour and unsurpassed quality.

  • Gantous and Abou Arak 500ml

    Gantous and Abou Arak 500ml

    Gantous & Abou Raad is an excellent Arak that is distilled three times from fermented white grapes with the best aniseeds to produce its famous smooth taste.

  • Massaya Arak 750ml

    Massaya Arak 750ml

    Arak has a beguiling aniseed flavor and freshness that cleanses the palate and aids digestion. It is often served as an aperitif and then as the perfect accompaniment to a classic selection of mezze, the array of dishes with contrasting aromas that starts many lunchtime or evening meals in Lebanon.
