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  • Vecchia Romagna Black

    Vecchia Romagna Black

    Distilled from prized grapes, Vecchia Romagna is an unmistakable brandy. Long aging partly in small oaken casks and the recipe of an expert give it a strong, dry taste, an aromatic, complex fragrance, and a warm, intense color.

  • Veterano Brandy Solera Reserva

    Veterano Brandy Solera Reserva

    Veterano Solera Reserva is held in casks of Sherries adding those extra beautiful aromas to the brandy. This brandy has intense aromas of vanilla, toasted caramel, and cedarwood, mingled with dry apricot notes. 

  • Weis Obstler Apple Pear Brandy 700ml

    Weis Obstler Apple Pear Brandy 700ml

    Quality product distilled from a fruit based wine. Full flavoured apple & pear Schnapps, made in a traditional style. Dry with a strong flavour. This is real, German Schnapps!
