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Tik Lozova Rakija 1 Litre Natural Bela

Tik Lozova Rakija 1 Litre Natural Bela

Tik Lozova Rakija 1 Litre Natural Bela


Discover Tikves Lozova Bela Rakija – White, a premium Macedonian spirit renowned for its exceptional quality and smooth taste. Crafted from hand-picked white grapes and distilled with precision, this rakija showcases the heritage and mastery of Tikves Winery. With its crystal-clear appearance and delicate aroma of ripe grapes, Tikves Lozova Bela Rakija offers a refined sensory experience.

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$94.99 ea

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SKU: 47202. Category: Spirits/Brandy.

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6 bottles

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Std Drinks
