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  • Asbach 8yo Brandy 700ml

    Asbach 8yo Brandy 700ml

    Asbach 8 Year Old is a popular rich, spicy German brandy which has been matured in small French Limousin oak casks. The color is dark amber. The aroma is fruity, with shades of chocolate and cedar wood. The taste is rich, spicy, fruity, almond, with hints of spices.

  • Carlos No-1 Brandy

    Carlos No-1 Brandy

    Carlos 1 Brandy is a mellow brandy with a delicate bouquet, Carlos I reflects all the knowledge of the house of Domecq. Aged for 12 years, it is classified as a Solera Gran Reserva. It is the highest level of premium brandy in Spain and is renowned for being a brandy with an extra dimension and can be drunk neat or with ice. It has an intense amber colour with golden undertones, with an elegant aroma of wood and a balanced, full, delicately dry taste.

  • Fundador Exclusivo Brandy 700ml

    Fundador Exclusivo Brandy 700ml

    Brandy Solera Gran Reserva with an exquisite elaboration process and taste. Aged through the traditional Criaderas and Solera System typical of Jerez, in casks that have previously contained sherry wines for many years, giving it exclusive nuances.

  • Metaxa 12 Star Brandy

    Metaxa 12 Star Brandy

    Metaxa 12 start is radiant amber in colour with aromas of orange peel, coffee, chocolate and toasted oak. The flavouor is elegant and fulfilling with Dry fruit, orange peel and hints of spice. The finish is long and aromatic with hints of orange peel and spices. Can be served neat, on the rocks or in a cocktail.

  • Metaxa 5 Star 700ml

    Metaxa 5 Star 700ml

    Amber in appearance, on the nose has bitter orange blossom, roses and apricot. Followed by flower honey, vanilla and a touch of violette smells, on the palate balanced, with notes of peach and apricot, raisin and brioche, finishes with generous, notes of light oak and almond.

  • Metaxa 7 Star 700ml

    Metaxa 7 Star 700ml

    Dark amber with old gold reflections in appearance,elegant,warm and fruity, intense muscat and ripe peach on the nose. On the palate dried prune, carob and herbal honey Balanced texture, warm, pleasantly spicy, with notes of fire honey and black raisin. Velvety, with a pleasant finish of black raisin to finish.

  • Shin Umeshu Brandy 500ml

    Shin Umeshu Brandy 500ml

    Shin Brandy Umeshu is a plum wine blended with brandy. It is carefully hand-brewed using Japanese plums and Eigashima’s century-old brand Charmant brandy aged 7 years. ‬Rich with complex aroma of brandy and sour-sweet plum wine‭, this is a truly ‬unique product‭ which is surely bound to intrigue even the most avid of drinkers‭.‬

  • Tik Lozova Rakija 1 Litre Natural Bela

    Tik Lozova Rakija 1 Litre Natural Bela

    Discover Tikves Lozova Bela Rakija – White, a premium Macedonian spirit renowned for its exceptional quality and smooth taste. Crafted from hand-picked white grapes and distilled with precision, this rakija showcases the heritage and mastery of Tikves Winery. With its crystal-clear appearance and delicate aroma of ripe grapes, Tikves Lozova Bela Rakija offers a refined sensory experience.

  • Vecchia Romagna Black

    Vecchia Romagna Black

    Distilled from prized grapes, Vecchia Romagna is an unmistakable brandy. Long aging partly in small oaken casks and the recipe of an expert give it a strong, dry taste, an aromatic, complex fragrance, and a warm, intense color.

  • Veterano Brandy Solera Reserva

    Veterano Brandy Solera Reserva

    Veterano Solera Reserva is held in casks of Sherries adding those extra beautiful aromas to the brandy. This brandy has intense aromas of vanilla, toasted caramel, and cedarwood, mingled with dry apricot notes. 

  • Weis Obstler Apple Pear Brandy 700ml

    Weis Obstler Apple Pear Brandy 700ml

    Quality product distilled from a fruit based wine. Full flavoured apple & pear Schnapps, made in a traditional style. Dry with a strong flavour. This is real, German Schnapps!
