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  • Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin 700ml

    Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin 700ml

    The beauty of Bloody Shiraz Gin being a product of vintage means that it will never be the same. Our 2017 release has an incredibly vibrant ruby colour, which turns iridescent pink when mixed with tonic or soda. Aromatically the gin has fresh pine needles and incredible spice, and a clear peppery, dense raspberry character.


    The palate is lovely and sweet, with long juniper and spice characters to finish. This release is slightly lighter in colour than last year's, due to a cool vintage in the Yarra Valley with a moderate ripening period. 

  • Four Pillars Fresh Yuzu Gin  700ml

    Four Pillars Fresh Yuzu Gin 700ml

    Four Pillars Yuzu gin contains a mixture of cirtus flavours (mandarine, lime, cumquat, grapefruit, lemon) that packs a bunch. There are also notes of tumeric, ginger, roasted brown rice for depth of flavour. 

    A bright and fresh gin.

  • Four Pillars Olive Leaf Gin 700ml

    Four Pillars Olive Leaf Gin 700ml

    Welcome to the newest member of our family. Olive Leaf Gin, our most exciting release since Bloody Shiraz and maybe even Rare Dry Gin…

    The result is a gin that is savoury, textural, bright and perfect for any Martini. But make sure to try it in a Gibson. Stir 60mL gin, 10mL dry vermouth and 10mL dry sherry over ice, strain into a super cold glass and garnish with a couple of cocktail onions.

    Five years on from that trip to Spain, we’re pumped to finally share Olive Leaf Gin with the world.

  • Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin 700ml

    Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin 700ml

    Four Pillars is a small distillery in the Yarra Valley, proudly established in 2013. The way we have approached it is that the juniper is the canvas and the other botanicals paint the picture. The tassie pepper is brilliant on the palate, giving us warmth rather than heat. Lemon myrtle is a beautiful, complex and unique alternative to lemon peel. Perhaps most interesting is our use of whole oranges. It’s unusual to use fresh produce in gin but Australian citrus is highly aromatic and supports the spicier botanicals like coriander, cardamom and star anise.


    Winner of Double Gold at the San Francisco World Spirits 2014.

  • Four Pillars Spiced Negroni Gin 700ml

    Four Pillars Spiced Negroni Gin 700ml

    Four Pillars Spiced Negroni Gin is a highly aromatic, rich and (yes) spicy gin with great power and intensity. First, we took our base botanicals and upped the amount of Tasmanian pepperberry leaf and cinnamon. Then we added an exotic West African spice called Grains of Paradise. This is one of the most unusual spices in the world, with clove and sichuan characters.  But although very powerful, the spice tends to glow rather than become hot. 

    We also decided to use beautiful organic blood oranges in the botanical basket, as well as some ginger.  These wonderfully fragrant fresh botanicals help lift the spice to another level. Finally, we opened up the plates to add weight and intensity to the gin.

  • Fox Gang Craft Pink Gin

    Fox Gang Craft Pink Gin

    A handcrafted union of juniper, dill seeds and orange zest with refreshing notes of strawberries. A delicate craft gin.

  • Gin Mare Capri With Bergamot And Lemon 700ml

    Gin Mare Capri With Bergamot And Lemon 700ml

    The lemon of Capri and the Bergamot of Sorrento are added to the original recipe of Gin Mare. Its nose opens on citrus fruits, thyme and candied fruits. In the mouth, the attack is supple with citrus fruits mixed with the soft acidity of bergamot.

  • Gin Mare Mediterranean 700ml

    Gin Mare Mediterranean 700ml

    Gin Mare is a premium Mediterranean Gin from Spain. The uniqueness of Gin Mare lays on its Mediterranean ingredients, being the only Gin using Arbequina Olives, Rosemary, Thyme and Basil as its main botanicals. The result is a delicate Gin with a savoury twist.

  • Gordons Gin 350ml

    Gordons Gin 350ml

    Founded by Alexander Gordon in 1769, the Gordon's recipe has remained almost untouched since its creation. Triple-distilled, the gin contains juniper berries, coriander seeds and angelica root to name a few. Enjoy in a classic Gin and Tonic.

  • Gordons Gin 700ml

    Gordons Gin 700ml

    Founded by Alexander Gordon in 1769, the Gordon's recipe has remained almost untouched since its creation. Triple-distilled, the gin contains juniper berries, coriander seeds and angelica root to name a few. Enjoy in a classic Gin and Tonic.

  • Gordons Sicilian Lemon Gin 700ml

    Gordons Sicilian Lemon Gin 700ml

    Gordon’s Sicilian Lemon Distilled Gin offers a zesty twist on an original recipe from Alexander Gordon. Made with the highest quality ingredients and using 100% natural flavours, the recipe has been perfectly crafted to balance the juniper notes and refreshing taste of Gordon’s with the finest Sicilian lemons.

  • Heathcote Shiraz Gin Three Chain Road Bullers

    Heathcote Shiraz Gin Three Chain Road Bullers

    This gin is deep red colour.

    Subtle spice comes through on the nose followed by a a sweet note of raspberries. On the palate this gin has a hint of white pepper followed by raspberry, plum and spice.

    Best enjoyed neat, or on the rocks.
