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  • Nonino Gioiello Acacia Honey 500ml

    Nonino Gioiello Acacia Honey 500ml

    Elegant and very delicate. It perfectly corresponds to the scent and taste of acacia honey. Typical. Before tasting, Gioiello should be allowed to rest in the glass for some minutes: on exposure to oxygen, the perfumes are enhanced and the nose/palate harmony is perfected.

  • Nonino Gioiello Chestnut Honey 500ml

    Nonino Gioiello Chestnut Honey 500ml

    Before tasting, Gioiello® should be allowed to rest in the glass for some minutes: on exposure to oxygen, the perfumes are enhanced and the nose/palate harmony is perfected.

    Individual, with a scent of spices. It perfectly corresponds to the original honey, but with a greater elegance.

  • Nonino Grappa Moscato 700ml

    Nonino Grappa Moscato 700ml

    Elegant, aromatic, soft and sensual with the perfume of roses, thyme and vanilla. Thanks to its particular elegance and persistency, drunk, sipped or lingered over at the end of a meal or at any moment of the day it is a source of real pleasure! With respect to an aromatic variety such as Moscato, the Grappa is excellent served with cream cakes, cream in general (both crème anglaise and whipped cream) and ice-cream. It is perfect on a fresh fruit salad. 

  • Nonino Prunella

    Nonino Prunella

    Amber and inviting color, Prunella Mandorlata is a light and delicate liquor with an extraordinary scent of almond ennobled by the presence of Plum Distillate, obtained according to Antonio Nonino’s ancient and original recipe.

  • Po Di Poli Morbida Smooth Grappa

    Po Di Poli Morbida Smooth Grappa

    This smooth tasting grappa has flavours of citrus fruit, orange flowers, is mellow in taste. Po'di Poli Moscato Grappa is a single varietal grappa made from white Muscat grapes.








    With a clear and crystalline color, it is characterized by a wide, tasty and exceptionally soft taste. In tasting, the citrus aromas and hints of orange blossom are enhanced. The finish is harmonious and powerful at the same time.

  • Poli Grappa Cleopatra Moscato Oro

    Poli Grappa Cleopatra Moscato Oro

    Aromatic Grappa refined nearly 1 year in French oak barrique


    Grappa obtained by using with modern competence Crysopea, our innovative vacuum double boiler still, that represents our way in the evolution of distillation.


    Grappa obtained from Orange blossom Muscat and White Muscat from the Euganei Hills.


    On the nose, meadows in flower, fresh and citrus fruit, honey, pastry.


    On the palate, mellow, clean and extremely elegant.

  • Poli Grappa Eliser China Liqueur

    Poli Grappa Eliser China Liqueur

    Bitter liqueur with natural infusion of China Calissaya’s bark, a plant hailing from Peru.

    Its aroma recalls a spice bazaar with plenty of colours and scents.

  • Poli Grappa Lamponi Raspberry 500ml

    Poli Grappa Lamponi Raspberry 500ml

    Lamponi di Poli is a fruit brandy made from raspberries of the Carnia area, which is an agricultural paradise in the mountainous region of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia. Originally from Mount Ida in Asia Minor, these wild raspberries are deep, dark red and rich in fragrance. The raspberries are fermented in stainless steel prior to distillation.

    On the palate, it is warming, full-bodied and sensual with a long, smooth finish.

  • Poli Grappa Maria Del Bassano

    Poli Grappa Maria Del Bassano

    The first certified organic grappa in Italy.

    Distillation of marc with bain-marie stills.

    Full and warm taste.

    Very fragrant.

  • Poli Merlot Dry Grappa

    Poli Merlot Dry Grappa

    An identifiable taste thanks to a harmonious cuvée of single grape-varieties belonging to the same family but differentfor clone, provenance, harvest times and vinification method: the PoliVitigno.


    Its flavours are warming, satisfying and vigorous.

  • Poli Mirtillo Grappa

    Poli Mirtillo Grappa

    Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) were used since ancient times by people in Northern Europe to obtain a dye in order to colour fabrics; it was also made to ferment and distilled to produce a brandy with a pleasant and fruity taste.

    Sweet rotund and pleasant.

  • Poli Taiadea Grappa

    Poli Taiadea Grappa

    A liqueur based on Grappa, so called originally because it was obtained by cutting (taiar) Grappa with an alcohol infusion of cinchona bark (Chinchona Calisaya), orange peel and cloves. Taste of sweet bitter tonic.
