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Caffo Sambuca Secolare 1lt

Caffo Sambuca Secolare 1lt

Caffo Sambuca Secolare 1lt


Caffo Sambuca Secolare is a traditional aniseed liqueur produced by the Fratelli Caffo Distillery in Limbadi, Italy. Made with real aniseed and the finest Calabrian elderflower, Sambuca Secolare is a classic Italian liqueur with punch and nuance. Aromas of candied fennel and star anise transition to a rich, oily palate with a vivacious licorice root attack tempered by subtle floral notes and a hint of coconut. Because real aniseed contains an essential oil called anethole, the addition of water creates a clouding effect known as louche, commonly referred to as the “ouzo effect.” Try slipping some Sambuca Secolare into any cocktail which calls for the distinct profile of anise or licorice, or enjoy it con la mosca—neat with one or three coffee beans.

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SKU: 47924. Category: Spirits/Liqueurs.



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6 bottles

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