- Absinth
- Akvavit
- Amaro
- Anice
- Aperitivo
- Arak
- Armagnac
- Australian Whisky
- Bitters
- Bourbon
- Brandy
- Cachacha
- Calvados
- Canadian Whisky
- Centerba
- Cognac
- Fruit In Liqueurs
- Gift Packs
- Gin
- Grappa
- Herbal Liqueur
- High Alcohol Spirit
- Hungarian Spirit
- Irish Whiskey
- Japanese Whiskey
- Lemoncello
- Limoncello
- Liqueurs
- Lychee
- Mezcal
- Non Alcoholic Spirit
- Ouzo
- Pisco
- Plum Wine
- Pre-mix Spirit Based
- Pure Alcohol
- Rum
- Rye Whiskey
- Sambuca
- Schnapps
- Scotch Whisky
- Tequila
- Vermouth
- Vodka
- Whiskey
- White Rum
Strega Cream Liqueur 700ml
The subtle and delicate taste of cream comes from the harmonious encounter of the famous liqueur with the freshness of the best cream, to give to the palate delicate notes of sweetness and intense sensations of a goodness to be tasted.It is a low-grade liqueur but with a strong personality.Ideal for those who love soft and refined flavors, it is suitable to enhance the emotions of unforgettable moments or to enjoy quiet occasions of relaxation and cheerful evenings of fun.It can also be appreciated cold, or with ice; It also gives the coffee a touch of magic. -
Strega Liqueur 700ml
Perfectly natural product, it obtains its typical yellow colour from the saffron added to the alcoholic infusion; then a long fermentation in oak vats concurs to the perfect balance of the aromas and contributes to the characteristic fine, smooth and soft taste.
Now in a limited edition bottle
Suze 700ml
Suze is a French apéritif made from gentian—an aromatic plant used as a bittering agent in a whole slew of French digestifs. It tastes very vegetal, but it also offers citric tones, like pomelo and perfume-y citrus—not lemon or lime.
Tia Maria 700ml
Vok Blue Curacao
VOK Blue Curacao Liqueur adds its distinctive vibrant blue colour to many classic cocktail recipes. The orange flavoured liqueur is made from the dried peel of oranges found on the Caribbean Island of Curacao.
Vok Cocktail Classic Margarita
Vok classic margarita, a balanced profile of citrus sourness.
Vok Cocktail Cosmopolitan
Vok classic cosmopolitan, a timelessclassic with sour, sweet and refreshing flavours.
Vok Cocktail Lychee Martini
Vok Lychee Martini, a classic with a lychee twist. Sweet with subtle notes of tartness.
Vok Creme De Menthe Green
VOK Creme De Menthe Liqueur is a clean and crisp tasting liqueur made by blending an assortment of mint essences. It’s a versatile liqueur that can be enjoyed as an after dinner drink, a simple mixer or the key to a number of delicious cocktails.
Vok Lychee Liqueur 500ml
VOK Cocktail Liqueurs are perfect for the at-home mixologist & offer a cocktail solution for any occasion. Lychee Liqueur is the perfect balance of sweet & tart lychee flavour.
Vok Passionfruit Liqueur 500ml
Vibrant and tangy passionfruit liqueur with a balance in sweetness
Vok Strawberry
VOK Strawberry Liqueur is a delicious liqueur with the taste of freshly picked, ripe strawberries. It is used widely to flavour fruity or tropical cocktails.