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  • Strega Liqueur 700ml

    Strega Liqueur 700ml

    Perfectly natural product, it obtains its typical yellow colour from the saffron added to the alcoholic infusion; then a long fermentation in oak vats concurs to the perfect balance of the aromas and contributes to the characteristic fine, smooth and soft taste.

    Now in a limited edition bottle 

  • Strega Riserva Liquore

    Strega Riserva Liquore

    Intense, aromatic and velvety, the Riserva is the result of the passion and tradition that has been handed down to the Alberti family for five generations.
    A unique moment dedicated to the most refined and attentive palates who want to enjoy the unmistakable aromatic tones that the herbs give to this precious distillate.
    The ageing of the liqueur in precious oak barrels contributes to refine the spicy notes and to emphasize its characteristic amber colour.
  • Suze 1 Litre

    Suze 1 Litre

    For generations, Suze has been renowned for its original recipe and traditional production. Its aromatic complexity is the result of a subtle balance between fresh gentian and many different aromatic plants.

    A required component for the White Negroni, this gentian-based aperitif begins with honeyed herbal notes and touches of chamomile, with underlying bitterness growing to a classically dusty, earthy, bitter finish—characteristic of gentian.

    Low in alcohol (15% abv.), Suze is ideal for enjoying as an aperitif, whether neat or in cocktails. We personally like it on the rocks.

    Try a Suze and tonic, use in a White Negroni, in a modern cocktail like a Sfumata Bianca, or in The Memory Remains.

  • Suze 700ml

    Suze 700ml

    Suze is a French apéritif made from gentian—an aromatic plant used as a bittering agent in a whole slew of French digestifs. It tastes very vegetal, but it also offers citric tones, like pomelo and perfume-y citrus—not lemon or lime. 

  • Tia Maria 700ml

    Tia Maria 700ml

  • Vedrenne Super Cassis 700ml

    Vedrenne Super Cassis 700ml

    The Vedrenne liqueurs brings your cocktail alive! A cocktail liqueur range, acclaimed by Mixologists, and professional Bartenders, as well as by amateurs who enjoy or who start to learn about this endless world of combinations of delights. Creme de Casiss is a blackcurrent liqueur,  perfect for those cocktails that need a little intensity.

  • Vok Advokaat

    Vok Advokaat

    VOK Advokaat Liqueur is a blend of fresh eggs, cane sugar mellow brandy with a hint of vanilla.This smooth and creamy liqueur is most famously used in the classic cocktail; the fluffy duck.

  • Vok Blue Curacao

    Vok Blue Curacao

    VOK Blue Curacao Liqueur adds its distinctive vibrant blue colour to many classic cocktail recipes. The orange flavoured liqueur is made from the dried peel of oranges found on the Caribbean Island of Curacao.

  • Vok Brown Creme De Cacao

    Vok Brown Creme De Cacao

    VOK Brown Creme de Cacao is the key to a number of moorish chocolate flavoured cocktails. This liqueur is a velvety smooth cocoa flavoured liqueur made from cacao beans.

  • Vok Cherry Brandy

    Vok Cherry Brandy

    VOK Cherry Brandy Liqueur is a rich, full bodied liqueur made from dark, ripe red cherries steeped in fine brandy and spiced with cinnamon and cloves.

  • Vok Cocktail Classic Margarita

    Vok Cocktail Classic Margarita

    Vok classic margarita, a balanced profile of citrus sourness. 

  • Vok Cocktail Cosmopolitan

    Vok Cocktail Cosmopolitan

    Vok classic cosmopolitan, a timelessclassic with sour, sweet and refreshing flavours. 
