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  • Vok Cocktail Lychee Martini

    Vok Cocktail Lychee Martini

    Vok Lychee Martini, a classic with a lychee twist. Sweet with subtle notes of tartness. 

  • Vok Lychee Liqueur 500ml

    Vok Lychee Liqueur 500ml

    VOK Cocktail Liqueurs are perfect for the at-home mixologist & offer a cocktail solution for any occasion. Lychee Liqueur is the perfect balance of sweet & tart lychee flavour. 

  • Vok Passionfruit Liqueur 500ml

    Vok Passionfruit Liqueur 500ml

    Vibrant and tangy passionfruit liqueur with a balance in sweetness

  • Vok Strawberry

    Vok Strawberry

    VOK Strawberry Liqueur is a delicious liqueur with the taste of freshly picked, ripe strawberries. It is used widely to flavour fruity or tropical cocktails.

  • Vok Triple Sec

    Vok Triple Sec

    VOK Triple Sec Liqueur is a very popular liqueur that delivers the fresh flavour of orange peel. It is one of the most versatile liqueurs being used as a mixer and as a cocktail ingredient.

  • Vok Watermelon Liqueur 500ml

    Vok Watermelon Liqueur 500ml

    Watermelon flavoured liqueur ideal for any of your cocktail requirements.

  • Vok White Creme De Cacao

    Vok White Creme De Cacao

    VOK White Creme de Cacao Liqueur adds the velvety smooth cocoa flavour to cocktails without altering the colour of the cocktail.

  • Weis Kirsch Cherry 100ml

    Weis Kirsch Cherry 100ml

    Kirsch or cherry-water, makes a great alternative to Cognac at the end of a meal. Weis Kirsch is made from the famous black cherries which give a concentrated, rich flavour. However, it’s not only the flesh of the cherries that is important but the stones too. These give Kirsch its salty mineral notes and lift it above being merely “another fruit spirit”.

  • Weis Kirsch Cherry 500ml

    Weis Kirsch Cherry 500ml

    Kirsch or cherry-water, makes a great alternative to Cognac at the end of a meal. Weis Kirsch is made from the famous black cherries which give a concentrated, rich flavour. However, it’s not only the flesh of the cherries that is important but the stones too. These give Kirsch its salty mineral notes and lift it above being merely “another fruit spirit”.

  • Weis Williams Pear 500ml

    Weis Williams Pear 500ml

    Williams pear is a fruit brandy or eau-de-vie, it is distilled from the aromatic Williams Pear. Weis uses 8kg (62lbs) of Williams Pear to produce one litre of spirit. Once distilled, the spirit is aged for around 3 years in glass containers which keep the liquid clear. Williams is expensive to produce and to acquire. This product is smooth, powerful and full-bodied with a long finish.

  • Wild Turkey Honey 700ml

    Wild Turkey Honey 700ml

    Made with real honey, American Honey is a Wild Turkey-based liqueur that gives an exceptionally smooth and sweet flavour experience. It is softer on the palette than our straight bourbons, though still packs a punch as its citrus and caramel notes warm you from the inside.

    The Bourbon flavour is obvious, but dialed down, allowing the smooth honey texture and aroma to come to the fore. After swallowing the 71-proof product, you can expect an extremely long finish, as if your mouth were coated with bourbon infused honey.

    American Honey is perfect for mixing and enjoyed in a wide range of exciting cocktails or tailor-made shots.

  • Zuta Osa Flores 700ml

    Zuta Osa Flores 700ml

    Plum Brandy 45% ALC/VOL
