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  • Borghetti Caffe Sport

    Borghetti Caffe Sport

    A special mix of excellent quality Arabica and Robusta, obtained with huge coffee pots, mixed with the warm and decisive sensation of alcohol. Pleasant and aromatic, with a slightly sweet and soft taste and a surprising flavor, Caffè Borghetti has intense and rich scents.

  • Bottega Macchiato

    Bottega Macchiato

    It is a creamy liqueur,  pleasantly sweet and with a moderate alcohol content,  combining the intense aroma of coffee with the delicate elegance of milk. A blend of coffee beans is carefully selected to obtain the best bouquet  and taste.

  • Bottega Pistacchio 500ml

    Bottega Pistacchio 500ml

  • Caffo Liquorice Originale

    Caffo Liquorice Originale

    Nature gave its best when making liquorice. In fact, it has been known since ancient times for its active principles and the sweet and pleasant taste of its root. It’s known to enhance your voice, cleanse your breath and your throat and has expectorate, soothing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, as well as working against cavities. It is also present in various aphrodisiac recipes and in the Kama Sutra. It was once used by alchemists in medical potions. Today, it is appreciated by everyone as a natural and healthy sweet and also as a spirit: Liquorice.

    Distilleria Caffo was the first to produce “liqueur using pure Calabrese liquorice”, creating a unique and unmistakable product. For this reason, today only Caffo Liquorice is the “original pure Calabrese liquorice liqueur”,...tasting is believing!

  • Caffo Mirto

    Caffo Mirto

    This liqueur obtained by maceration of myrtle berries, fresh cassis is a natural, great to enjoy after lunch and offer guests refined in the best bargains.  The "Ratafià of Poets" is packaged in a beautiful silk-screened bottle. Best served chilled

  • Caffo Perfetta Armonia Cream Mandorle

    Caffo Perfetta Armonia Cream Mandorle

    This delicious natural liqueur is obtained from the "Perfect Harmony" between the fresh cream and almond enriched by the most precious spices.

  • Campari Negroni 500ml

    Campari Negroni 500ml

  • Chambord 50ml

    Chambord 50ml

  • Chambord Liqueur 200ml

    Chambord Liqueur 200ml

    Chambord is a fruity staple in the modern bar. The premium black raspberry liqueur is used in many favorite cocktails. Its sweet, fruity taste and deep purple color make it an excellent addition to a variety of drinks, including popular flavored martinis.

  • Chambord Liqueur 700ml

    Chambord Liqueur 700ml

    Chambord is crafted from raspberries, blackberries, Madagascar, vanilla, Moroccan citrus peel, honey and cognac to create a delicious all-natural black raspberry liqueur.

  • Chartreuse Green

    Chartreuse Green

    Only two Chartreuse monks know the identity of the 130 plants, how to blend them and how  to distill them into this world famous liqueur. They are also the only ones who know which plants they have to macerate to produce the natural green and yellow colours. And they alone supervise the slow ageing in oak casks.


    To bring out all its flavour, it should be consumed very cold, even on the rocks. Traditionally considered an after dinner drink, Chartreuse is more and more being enjoyed as a long drink.

  • Chartreuse Yellow

    Chartreuse Yellow

    A combination of 130 herbs and spices with the added sweetness of honey and molasses. Has a sweeter, softer taste with more gentle herbal characters. A great mixer for cocktails. To bring out all its flavour, it should be consumed very cold, even on the rocks. Traditionally considered an after dinner drink, Chartreuse is more and more being enjoyed as a long drink. Its colour is entirely natural with no artificial flavours or preservatives. It, too, can be enjoyed neat or in a long drink.
