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  • 	Herencia De Plata Coffee Liqueur 700ml

    Herencia De Plata Coffee Liqueur 700ml

    Tequila and coffee - a much-adored combination of flavours. This is Herencia De Plata Licor de Café, made using their very own tequila.

  • Iannamico Punch Abruzzese 700ml

    Iannamico Punch Abruzzese 700ml

  • Jelinek Borovicka Slovacka 700ml

    Jelinek Borovicka Slovacka 700ml

    Slovácká gin is a clean, smooth distillate that arises from the drawing distillation of black juniper berries. During its production, we use the latest technology, but we also observe traditions from the days of the founders of the RUDOLF JELÍNEK company. Gin is distilled from juniper berry macerate using drawing distillation, and then undergoes a subsequent six-month aging, during which there is a harmonisation of aroma and flavour. Adherence to traditional production methods ensures that the resulting gin is clean, but does not lose its harsh character. Thats why it is said that with gin each person has to find their own way.

  • Jelinek Slivovice 700ml

    Jelinek Slivovice 700ml

  • Sale!Kahlua 700 Ml

    Kahlua 700 Ml

     Kahlua is a rich, dark brown viscous coffee liqueur with a unique, sensual and exotic flavour. It’s coffee-driven taste profile is underpinned by a blend of the finest imported rums, the sweetest vanilla, the richest caramel,and tropical cane sugar spirit, coupled with aromatic hints of chocolate and nut.

    $41.99 $34.99
  • Krupnik Honey Liqueur 500ml

    Krupnik Honey Liqueur 500ml

    Liqueur “Krupnikas” is a long-mature, herbal drink made from natural bee honey and oak barrels. The yellowish-golden scent of liqueur resembles Lithuanian woods, grassy meadows with a honey bee honey, and the taste is gently cooking and at the same sweet.

  • Lazzaroni Alchermes 500ml

    Lazzaroni Alchermes 500ml

    Prepared through maceration of essences and spices. Appreciated as after dinner drink, to use in cocktails and also in pastry. Alcohol level:  21 % vol.

  • Lazzaroni Amaretto

    Lazzaroni Amaretto

    LAZZARONI AMARETTO 1851 is the authentic Amaretto, made and bottled in Saronno, Italy. LAZZARONI AMARETTO is renowned for its quality, heritage, taste and authenticity as the infusion of Amaretto di Saronno biscuits gives it, it’s distinctive Almond flavour. With an alcohol content of 24% you can enjoy Lazzaroni Amaretto neat or on the rocks, mixed in with your favourite drink or a splash to enhance desserts.

  • Licor 43 700ml

    Licor 43 700ml

    Origins of Licor 43 date back to Roman times. Made from 43 ingredients including herbs and citrus fruits carefully selected from the Mediterranean basin. Licor 43 is the most versatile liqueur and combines well with milk, juices, cola, soft drinks, coffee and cocktails.

  • Liquore Di Bergamotto 500ml

    Liquore Di Bergamotto 500ml

  • Little Fat Lamb Banana 700ml

    Little Fat Lamb Banana 700ml

    Experience this luxurious taste of banana cream liqueur. A distinctive taste for all occasions.

    Perfect for making:

    Banana Cream Pie cocktail

    Chocolate Banana Martini

    Banana Daiquiris

    and so much more 

  • Luxardo Maraschino

    Luxardo Maraschino

    Crystal clear in colour, the aroma is typical of marasca cherry distillate with strong alcohol spirit and roasted nuttiness, while the taste results smooth but sharp at the same time with hints of dark chocolate, vanilla and orange marmalade.
