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Minor Case Straight Rye Whisky

Minor Case Straight Rye Whisky

Minor Case Straight Rye Whisky


Minor Case Straight Rye Whiskey explores what might have been produced if the talent fueled M.C. Beam ever had the opportunity to have his stills unsilence and his production reawakened after the prohibition. This whiskey is a tribute to Minor Case, a man whose unrepentant passion for the product. Minor Case Straight Rye Whiskey is a two year old rye that has been finished in sherry casks for six months. With a smooth mouth feel and notes of dark fruits, warm spices, and oak, this straight rye whiskey is a delicious sip that seeks to take us back to what could have been possible if the prohibition hadn't eclipsed this distillers best years.

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$149.99 ea

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SKU: 14801. Category: Spirits/Rye Whiskey.

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United States of America




6 bottles

Alc. Content


Std Drinks
