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Opies Forest Fruit W Luxardo Mulled Gin 460g

Opies Forest Fruit W Luxardo Mulled Gin 460g

Opies Forest Fruit W Luxardo Mulled Gin 460g


Sharp and intense Forest Fruits steeped in syrup infused with Luxardo Mulled Gin can single-handedly revolutionise your menu: changing the simple to the sublime and the mainstream to the moreish in minutes. These flavoursome treats can be used in recipes to replace canned or fresh fruits to significantly raise the flavour intensity of a favourite dish. With a sharpness from the fruit balanced with the warming cinnamon, nutmeg, and notes of mulled gin, they are ideal in an Eton mess or to add intensity to fruit tart. It's easy to transform roulades, strudels, pavlovas and even cakes and tray bakes with a simple switch.

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SKU: 47673. Category: Spirits/Fruit In Liqueurs.

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United Kingdom




6 bottles