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  • Cappelletti Vino Amaro Elisir

    Cappelletti Vino Amaro Elisir

    Perhaps the most earnest of digestivi, Elisir Novasalus is revered in Alto Adige and regions beyond. Made by an Erboristeria (master of botanicals) and trader in wines, it combines plants from the surrounding high alps (Alto Adige) with a dry Marsala and a unique tree sap of Sicily. The resulting amaro is bold, bitter and exceptionally complex, with layers upon layers of flavor.

    Deep umber brown with viscous, glass staining gold ochre edges. Attractively bitter herbal aromas hint at turmeric, sage, cardamom and cola. Entry is delicately bitter, svelte textured. Mid palate intensifies the bittersweet herbal qualities; Finish is mouth coating, dried herb-like with a prolonged turmeric and bitter citrus peel aftertaste that lingers minutes after the first taste.

  • Captain Morgan Spice Rum

    Captain Morgan Spice Rum

  • Capucana Cachaca

    Capucana Cachaca

    CAPUCANA rum aims to present a proposal to the world based on a vision of the essence of Brazil, “THE LIFE”, in each cocktail created with the brand.


  • Carlos No-1 Brandy

    Carlos No-1 Brandy

    Carlos 1 Brandy is a mellow brandy with a delicate bouquet, Carlos I reflects all the knowledge of the house of Domecq. Aged for 12 years, it is classified as a Solera Gran Reserva. It is the highest level of premium brandy in Spain and is renowned for being a brandy with an extra dimension and can be drunk neat or with ice. It has an intense amber colour with golden undertones, with an elegant aroma of wood and a balanced, full, delicately dry taste.

  • Carpano Antica Vermouth 1litre

    Carpano Antica Vermouth 1litre

      Caramel-brown coloured, not ruby red like many other vermouths. Carpano Antica Formula is rich, viscous, and loaded with botanicals. On the palate it displays flavours of licorice, toffee, mint, rock candy and many other flavours. Antica Formula is both bitter and sweet. It begins sweet then finishes bitter. Great for making Negroni's
  • Cavaliere Grappa Oro 1 Litre

    Cavaliere Grappa Oro 1 Litre

  • Cavaliero Grappa Bianco 1 Litre

    Cavaliero Grappa Bianco 1 Litre

    A refreshing blend with a crisp and vibrant character.

  • Cesconi Lynx Bianco Vermouth

    Cesconi Lynx Bianco Vermouth

    Vermouth is a flavored wine-based drink with a thousand-year history, which has its roots in ancient Greece.
    However, it was in Turin in the 18th century, the heart of the Piedmontese liqueur tradition, that recipes for this product were created and the first Vermouths we know today were created.
    The name, borrowed from the German, was used to define Artemisia Absinthium, the true aromatic base of Vermouth.
    Lynx is a mountain Vermouth, produced with our aged white wine and a selection of herbs that grow in the Trentino mountains.

  • Cesconi Lynx Rosso Vermouth

    Cesconi Lynx Rosso Vermouth

    Vermouth is a flavored wine-based drink with a thousand-year history, which has its roots in ancient Greece.
    However, it was in Turin in the 18th century, the heart of the Piedmontese liqueur tradition, that recipes for this product were created and the first Vermouths we know today were created.
    The name, borrowed from the German, was used to define Artemisia Absinthium, the true aromatic base of Vermouth.
    Lynx is a mountain Vermouth, produced with our aged red wine and a selection of herbs that grow in the Trentino mountains.

  • Chambord 50ml

    Chambord 50ml

  • Chambord Liqueur 200ml

    Chambord Liqueur 200ml

    Chambord is a fruity staple in the modern bar. The premium black raspberry liqueur is used in many favorite cocktails. Its sweet, fruity taste and deep purple color make it an excellent addition to a variety of drinks, including popular flavored martinis.

  • Chambord Liqueur 700ml

    Chambord Liqueur 700ml

    Chambord is crafted from raspberries, blackberries, Madagascar, vanilla, Moroccan citrus peel, honey and cognac to create a delicious all-natural black raspberry liqueur.
