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  • Cocchi Americano Bianco

    Cocchi Americano Bianco

  • Cocchi Americano Rosa Aperitivo

    Cocchi Americano Rosa Aperitivo

    Cocchi Rosa name reminds us that it’s produced with red wines, from which it derives its colour and wild rose notes. Refined with natural extracts of flowers and spices, in particular gentian, cinchona and citrus as per the Americano Bianco but with the addition of saffron, vanilla and rose petals. Its beautiful red colour is completely natural and derives from the wine.

  • Cocchi Vermouth Amaro Dopo Teatro 750ml

    Cocchi Vermouth Amaro Dopo Teatro 750ml

    Concentrated red in color, the Bitter Vermouth After Teatro di Giulio Cocchi expresses a strong and decisive bouquet on the nose, in which hints of orange and china peel prevail. On the palate it is enveloping and intense, with a pleasant bitter aftertaste.

    Perfect as a bittering ingredient for the production of refined cocktails, it is ideal both as an aperitif and at the end of a meal.

  • Cocchi Vermouth Di Torino

    Cocchi Vermouth Di Torino

    A thrilling vermouth, rich in sensations: among the herbs and the aromatizing spices, Artemisia and citrus are the protagonists with their balanced bitter and citrusy notes which characterize Cocchi style.
    A rich taste with vibrant notes of cocoa and bitter orange. From the infusion of some noble and balsamic woods, we have in the end light aromas of camphor and rosemary notes. Among the minor ingredients, herbs and woods with unique perfumes such as sandal, musk, myrrh and nutmeg.

  • Cognac Leyrat Xo Hors Dage Single Estate

    Cognac Leyrat Xo Hors Dage Single Estate

  • Cointreau 700ml

    Cointreau 700ml

    Cointreau is made with a mix of bitter and sweet oranges and distilled twice. It has a bright, crisp, and clean orange flavor and is not typically aged. Grand Marnier, which is made with only one type of bitter orange, includes cognac. Its flavor is sweeter, more intense, and oakier than Cointreau

  • Colazingari Ratafia Ciociara

    Colazingari Ratafia Ciociara

    The aroma has a full-bodied scent of bitter cherry.Dark ruby red. Sweet, with the slightly bitter taste of sour black cherries

  • Copperhead Gibson Gin 500ml

    Copperhead Gibson Gin 500ml

    Copperhead Gin The Gibson Edition is a new category of savoury gin. With a hint of spice and umami intensity, it complements the classic Gibson martini and its garnish of pickled onion. Marian Beke partnered with Copperhead in Belgium, distilling five original Copperhead botanicals of juniper, coriander seed, cardamom, angelica, and orange peel, with 14 pickling spices. These include mace, pepper, cassia, bay leaf, ginger, allspice, fennel and dill seeds. It is finished with a flourish of eight year old genever.

  • Costiera Gin Sorrento

    Costiera Gin Sorrento

    Costiera Gin is a premium gin that contains the energy of spontaneous herbs, fruit and citrus fruits typical of the Sorrento Coast.

  • Cruiser Mixed 10pk Bottles 275ml

    Cruiser Mixed 10pk Bottles 275ml

    Love to mix and match your favourite Vodka Cruiser varieties but always find it hard to pick and choose? Well, here is the answer! Five of your favourite

    $42.99 (10 pack)
  • Cruiser Vanilla Cola 4pk 275ml

    Cruiser Vanilla Cola 4pk 275ml

    Taste the dark side with Vodka Cruiser Vanilla Cola. Bold cola and creamy vanilla flavours are blended with premium triple distilled vodka for a flavour explosion.

  • Crystal Head Vodka 50ml

    Crystal Head Vodka 50ml

    It would be a crime to ever pollute this extraordinarily unspoiled water. This is why the entire process of creating Crystal Head Vodka is resoundingly pure at heart. From the high quality grains used, to the integral avoidance of using any additives at all throughout the entire process. Crystal Head is quadruple distilled, then triple charcoal filtered. Finally we filter every drop three times through a cone of semi-precious crystals know as Herkimer Diamonds. The result is a product that exalts and embodies this Pure Spirit, making it one of the worlds’ great luxury vodkas!
