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  • Espolon Sparkling Paloma Cans 330ml

    Espolon Sparkling Paloma Cans 330ml

    Espolon Tequila is here to stir things up with the new sparkling serves, expertly blended with Blanco Tequila from Jalisco, Mexico. The Sparkling Paloma is refreshingly zesty with natural flavours of grapefruit & lime. Lightly carbonated for extra refreshment.

  • Espresso Goal Evangelista

    Espresso Goal Evangelista

    First quality coffees compose this delicious liqueur. To drink straight or with cream on top.
  • Evangelista Amaretto 700ml

    Evangelista Amaretto 700ml

    This liqueur has a natural almond flavour with no artificial colours or flavours. lower sugar than a typical amaretto. Traditional italian recipe from a third generation family producer. Serve chilled, over ice or in a cocktail.

  • Evangelista Centerbe 200ml

    Evangelista Centerbe 200ml

    An aromatic, floral Italian spirit from Evangelista, Centerbe is infused with herbs, flowers and spices and bottled at 70% ABV. Try using this to create aromatic cocktails, or use it in cooking.

  • Evangelista Gin 200ml

    Evangelista Gin 200ml

  • Evangelista Negroni 200ml

    Evangelista Negroni 200ml

    The most famous timeless italian cocktail in the World, obtained from the balanced and skilful mixing of its components. Enjoy it with ice and a slice of orange.

  • Evangelista Negroni 700ml

    Evangelista Negroni 700ml

    The most famous timeless italian cocktail in the World, obtained from the balanced and skilful mixing of its components. Enjoy it with ice and a slice of orange.

  • Evangelista Ratafia 200ml

    Evangelista Ratafia 200ml

    This traditional Italian liqueur brings together the charming fusion of three-year-old Montepulciano d'Abruzzo D.O.C. wine and local black cherries. A rich, full-bodied liqueur blended with almonds and fruit spices; a beautifully handcrafted product with true Italian heritage.

  • Evangelista Ratafia 500ml

    Evangelista Ratafia 500ml

    Evangelista's ratafia is a mix of three-year-old Montepulciano d'Abruzzo wine with black cherries, sweet almonds and other spices, producing a fantastic punch base as well as a drink that's great to sip over ice.

  • Fee Brothers Aztec Chocolate Bitters

    Fee Brothers Aztec Chocolate Bitters

    Ancient Aztecs would celebrate with a bitter beverage made of cacao beans, peppers and spices. Use a few dashes of Fee’s Aztec Chocolate Bitters to expand the flavor of cocktails.

  • Fernet Branca 700ml

    Fernet Branca 700ml

    Made from the infusion of numerous ingredients, obtained from 4 continents. After the infusion takes place, Fernet rests in wood barrels for at least a year. The name of this liqueur, according to many, originated from the Milanese dialect fer net, literarily, a clean iron, from the hot metal rod once used to mix the ingredients together. And it is, in fact,  in Milan that Fernet acquired its fame, thanks to producer Bernardino Branca who, more than 150 years ago, started producing the famous amaro. Fernet is best consumed after a meal, to help digestion, but can also be used as an addition to espresso coffee.

  • Finbar O'leary Espresso

    Finbar O'leary Espresso

    Heady, aromatic coffee and vanilla bean scents. Delight in this super, smooth cream with rich coffee and vanilla bean flavours. Pure indulgence!
