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  • Kura The Whisky Sherry Cask Finish 750ml

    Kura The Whisky Sherry Cask Finish 750ml

    Kura The Whisky Sherry Cask Finish is matured in the finest Oloroso sherry casks. During the maturation process rich notes of winter berries, dried fruits, bitter dark chocolate and a gentle woodiness onto the light and fruity spirit is evident.

  • Lark Brown Bottle Cask Strength Single Malt

    Lark Brown Bottle Cask Strength Single Malt

    Double-distilled in locally crafted copper-pot stills and aged in carefully selected small casks,  Lark Classic Cask Whisky features citrus and butterscotch with a hint of Tasmanian peat. A great balance of sweet, spicy and savoury elements make this the perfect dram for whisky-lovers. Excellent neat or with a drop or two of filtered water.
    Nose: Golden syrup and vanilla with hints of oranges and grapefruit. Plum pudding, Christmas cake, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg and a wisp of Tasmanian peat smoke.
    Palate: Sweet vanilla transforms into a combination of orange peel, butterscotch, cloves, nutmeg and grapefruit.
    Finish: Butterscotch and citrus notes with a long satisfying smoky finish.

  • Lazzaroni Alchermes 500ml

    Lazzaroni Alchermes 500ml

    Prepared through maceration of essences and spices. Appreciated as after dinner drink, to use in cocktails and also in pastry. Alcohol level:  21 % vol.

  • Lazzaroni Amaretto

    Lazzaroni Amaretto

    LAZZARONI AMARETTO 1851 is the authentic Amaretto, made and bottled in Saronno, Italy. LAZZARONI AMARETTO is renowned for its quality, heritage, taste and authenticity as the infusion of Amaretto di Saronno biscuits gives it, it’s distinctive Almond flavour. With an alcohol content of 24% you can enjoy Lazzaroni Amaretto neat or on the rocks, mixed in with your favourite drink or a splash to enhance desserts.

  • Lazzaroni Sambucca

    Lazzaroni Sambucca

    LAZZARONI SAMBUCA has a strong sweet taste of aniseed, extracted through stem distillation of the seeds from the aniseed plant with the addition of a concentrated solution of sugar, herbs and spices. With an alcohol content of 42%,  Lazzaroni Sambuca is best served neat or on the rocks and goes especially well accompanied with an espresso.

  • Licor 43 700ml

    Licor 43 700ml

    Origins of Licor 43 date back to Roman times. Made from 43 ingredients including herbs and citrus fruits carefully selected from the Mediterranean basin. Licor 43 is the most versatile liqueur and combines well with milk, juices, cola, soft drinks, coffee and cocktails.

  • Lillet Blanc

    Lillet Blanc

    Lillet Blanc is a blend of wines made from Muscatelle, Sémillon, and Sauvignon Blanc grapes combined with Fruit Liqueurs which include a base of sweet oranges from Valencia in Spain, green oranges from Morocco and Tunisia, bitter oranges from Haiti and cinchona bark (quinine) from rainforest in the Peruvian Andes. It is aged a full year in oak casks. It is a dry aperitif that is pale straw in color, with citrus tones and an herbal and lilac nose. Lillet could be used as a delightful replacement of Vermouth in many Martinis, including the Vesper, a favorite literary classic Cocktail enjoyed by James Bond. It is best served chilled (without ice) and must be refrigerated after opening

  • Lillet Rose

    Lillet Rose

    Lillet Rosé is a blend of wines made in the Rosé style (short fermentation on the skins) from Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Semillion grapes combined with Fruit Liqueurs.

  • Lillet Rouge

    Lillet Rouge

    Lillet Rouge is a blend of wines made from Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes combined with Fruit Liqueurs which include a base of sweet oranges from Valencia in Spain, green oranges from Morocco and Tunisia, bitter oranges from Haiti and cinchona bark (quinine) from rainforest in the Peruvian Andes. It is aged a full year in oak casks.750ml, 17%.

  • Liquore Di Bergamotto 500ml

    Liquore Di Bergamotto 500ml

  • Little Fat Lamb 1125ml Strawberry Lime

    Little Fat Lamb 1125ml Strawberry Lime

  • Little Fat Lamb Banana 700ml

    Little Fat Lamb Banana 700ml

    Experience this luxurious taste of banana cream liqueur. A distinctive taste for all occasions.

    Perfect for making:

    Banana Cream Pie cocktail

    Chocolate Banana Martini

    Banana Daiquiris

    and so much more 
