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  • Little Fat Lamb 1125ml Strawberry Lime

    Little Fat Lamb 1125ml Strawberry Lime

  • Little Fat Lamb Banana 700ml

    Little Fat Lamb Banana 700ml

    Experience this luxurious taste of banana cream liqueur. A distinctive taste for all occasions.

    Perfect for making:

    Banana Cream Pie cocktail

    Chocolate Banana Martini

    Banana Daiquiris

    and so much more 

  • Little Fat Lamb Pineapple 1250ml Btt

    Little Fat Lamb Pineapple 1250ml Btt

    Refreshing Pineapple flavour makes this incredibly brewed beverage an ideal summer drink.

  • London Gin D1 700ml

    London Gin D1 700ml

    Crystal Clear in color. We use a very narrow cut of the purist triple distilled grain spirit at 96.2% ABV and introduce this to a copper pot still. We then Conduct a batch distillation with Juniper berries and bespoke botanical including Coriander, Orange, Lemon Peel, Angelica Root, Cassia Bark,Almond and Liquorice. Lastly,we add a daring kick of nettles selected especially for us by the master tea blender, which is infused and blended with our botanical to create our unique 40% ABV Gin of extraordinary British Character. D1 London Gin encapsulates quintessential British flavors and aromas, with Orange and Fruit Tea expressions around a confidently balanced Juniper backbone. The distillation in copper brings in fresh blackcurrant aromas that marry with the prominent nettle notes to deliver the smoothest and most versatile gin you will ever enjoy. On the nose a Crest of nettle tailed by apricots with rich blackcurrant airs. Underlying Juniper that endures through peaks of Orange Blossom, Lemon Oil and even Coriander Leaf flavors rounded by the elegance of English nettle. Lingering sweetness from the juniper with an echo of Summer Fruits.

  • Luksusowa Vodka

    Luksusowa Vodka

    Luksusowa Vodka has an exceptionally delicate flavour and smooth-subtle taste.




    It is produced from distillate of selected potatoes, luxury quality distillate (the highest grade) and that is the reason why it is called Luxury (Luksusowa) Vodka, because of the quality, unofficially best quality potato vodka in the world. 40% Alc/Vol

  • Luxardo Maraschino

    Luxardo Maraschino

    Crystal clear in colour, the aroma is typical of marasca cherry distillate with strong alcohol spirit and roasted nuttiness, while the taste results smooth but sharp at the same time with hints of dark chocolate, vanilla and orange marmalade.

  • Luz Gin 200ml

    Luz Gin 200ml

    Luz Gin is both fresh and aromatic. Made by 9 botanical species, all from Trentino ( Juniper;Bay leaves; Olive leaves; Asperula; Rosemary; Sage; Clary Sage; Wild Mint; Lemon) left to infuse separately and subsequently distilled in a 1000 litre discontinuous alembic still.

  • Luz Gin Lemon Lago Di Garda

    Luz Gin Lemon Lago Di Garda

    Fresh and summery, much appreciated for the preparation of gin-based cocktails, perfect for a Gin Collins, refreshing in Gin & Tonic. Composed of 9 plants, all from Trentino (lemon, juniper, olive, asperula, laurel, rosemary, sage, salvia sclarea, mint). Using Luz Gin Classico as a base, it is macerated in Garda lemon peels, which gives citrus notes and a pleasant color to both the nose and the palate. A smooth, velvety gin with good balance and a citrusy finish of excellent persistence.

    Limited Edition

  • Luz Gin London Dry 700ml

    Luz Gin London Dry 700ml

    Ideal for a Gin & Tonic, combined with dry tonic water, sublime for the preparation of a Naked Martini, excellent to be tasted individually. The maceration of 9 Trentino botanicals is carried out in 2 different phases. The juniper macerates for 20 days, the rest of the botanicals (Olive; Asperula; Laurel; Rosemary; Sage; Salvia Sclarea; Mentuccia) for 48 hours. The two macerations are combined in an alembic, leaving the botanicals immersed and adding the Garda lemon peels. The distillation is carried out with a 1000 liter discontinuous alembic still in Bagno Maria. Reduced to 45% vol. with spring water from Monte Stivo. Juniper is perceived on the nose, with slightly citrusy final notes, good persistence and intensity. On the palate it is complex, dry, decisive, herbaceous, it leaves the palate dry with pleasant notes of juniper, excellent persistence.

    Limited Edition

  • Madame Milu Amaro Herbal Liqueur 700ml

    Madame Milu Amaro Herbal Liqueur 700ml

    A herbal digestivo liqueur made with botanicals from our Vecchio Magazzino Doganale Farm in Calabria, Italy. Made with infusions of chamomile, mint, marjoram, lemon balm, fennel seeds and absinthe, distilled with "a secret composition of medicinal herbs."

  • Maidenii Aperitif 750ml

    Maidenii Aperitif 750ml

    A logical extension to the outstanding Maidenii range comes in this Quinquina aperitif. Produced from Heathcote Viognier grapes as well as fragrant botanicals and citrus, rounded off with the bitter edge of cinchona bark. Pouring a pale straw colour, it offers lovely lifted notes of grapefruit, thyme, cool mint and delicate quinine. A fresh and breezy entry is followed by racy flavours of semi-ripe apricot, pink grapefruit and a delicately bitter, vibrant dried herb / quinine / mint finish that's remarkably long for the genre. Very appetising, this should mix brilliantly.

  • Makers Mark Bourbon

    Makers Mark Bourbon
