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  • Opies Forest Fruit W Luxardo Mulled Gin 460g

    Opies Forest Fruit W Luxardo Mulled Gin 460g

    Sharp and intense Forest Fruits steeped in syrup infused with Luxardo Mulled Gin can single-handedly revolutionise your menu: changing the simple to the sublime and the mainstream to the moreish in minutes. These flavoursome treats can be used in recipes to replace canned or fresh fruits to significantly raise the flavour intensity of a favourite dish. With a sharpness from the fruit balanced with the warming cinnamon, nutmeg, and notes of mulled gin, they are ideal in an Eton mess or to add intensity to fruit tart. It's easy to transform roulades, strudels, pavlovas and even cakes and tray bakes with a simple switch.

  • Opies Peaches In Brandy 460g

    Opies Peaches In Brandy 460g

    Opies Peaches are deliciously sweet, plump, ripe peach halves preserved in a light syrup laced with 12 year old aged Brandy.


    Contains less then 5% Alc by Volume

  • Ouzo 12

    Ouzo 12

  • Plomari Ouzo 700ml

    Plomari Ouzo 700ml

    Plomari combines the aromatic seeds and herbs of Lesvos with the Lisvori aniseed to distil a unique Ouzo. Its authentic special character brings 100 years of quality and tradition.

  • Reserva 51 Singular Cachaca 700ml

    Reserva 51 Singular Cachaca 700ml

    There has been a lot of interaction with the barrel in the 4-5 years of ageing with this cachaça. Lots of spicy bourbon like notes – ginger, nutmeg balance alongside sweeter notes of vanilla and light toffee.

  • Reserva 51 Unica Rara Cachaca 700ml

    Reserva 51 Unica Rara Cachaca 700ml

  • Shin Umeshu Whisky 500ml

    Shin Umeshu Whisky 500ml

    Shin Whisky Umeshu is a plum liqueur made with 100% Japanese plums brewed with sochu (Japanese distilled rice beverage), which is then finished with Akashi whisky.

    Palate: Rich and well-balanced flavour of citrus and vanilla with moderate sweetness, and enjoy the lingering aftertaste of wooden aroma with distinctive notes of whisky.

  • Sortilege Maple Whisky Liqueur 700ml

    Sortilege Maple Whisky Liqueur 700ml

    Sortilege is a unique blend of Canadian Whisky and maple syrup, created from the richness and authenticity of the Quebec countryside. This liqueur strikes the perfect balance between the heady strength of Canadian Whisky and the distinctive flavour of maple syrup, resulting in a remarkably fine liqueur. Serve chilled or over ice.

  • Toro Centerba 1972

    Toro Centerba 1972

    100 herb liqueur 

    Light, hot and prickly touch of mint. Mint and licorice, a kind of tingling for a momentary flash. A long, dry and hot finish.

  • Toro Centerba Forte

    Toro Centerba Forte

     Toro Centerba is produced by the expert selection of wild aromatic herbs, well-known to herbalists, from Mount Maiella, and fine spices, all subjected to long infusion in special containers. The finest ingredients and the very same system as that thought up by Beniamino Toro in 1817 and handed down from father to son are the best guarantees for this special extra-strong liqueur from Abruzzo. It comes in a special medieval straw-covered bottle.

    Toro Centerba can be sipped neat, or added to black coffee, hot chocolate or milk, or to cocktails, cakes and various cooked dishes. But these are not all its qualities - try it and see!

  • Woodford Reserve Rye Whiskey

    Woodford Reserve Rye Whiskey

    Spicy with distinct notes of rye, black pepper, cedar and cassia bark sweetened with a dusting of marzipan. Hints of pear, apple and almond linger on the nose.

    Clove, rye, mint, molasses, sorghum and honey mingle together with hints of apple and malt.

  • Yamazakura Blended Whiskey Japanese 700ml

    Yamazakura Blended Whiskey Japanese 700ml
