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  • Medos Honey Vodka

    Medos Honey Vodka

    Medos Honey Vodka is a unique Vodka which has been a speciality in Poland for over two centuries. The unique recipe has origins dating back to 1810 which results in this remarkably smooth spirit that is made from pure ingredients including grains, fruits, root extracts, honey and pure water.

  • Meletti Amaro 700ml

    Meletti Amaro 700ml

  • Meletti Anisetta 700ml

    Meletti Anisetta 700ml

  • Metaxa 12 Star Brandy

    Metaxa 12 Star Brandy

    Metaxa 12 start is radiant amber in colour with aromas of orange peel, coffee, chocolate and toasted oak. The flavouor is elegant and fulfilling with Dry fruit, orange peel and hints of spice. The finish is long and aromatic with hints of orange peel and spices. Can be served neat, on the rocks or in a cocktail.

  • Metaxa 5 Star 700ml

    Metaxa 5 Star 700ml

    Amber in appearance, on the nose has bitter orange blossom, roses and apricot. Followed by flower honey, vanilla and a touch of violette smells, on the palate balanced, with notes of peach and apricot, raisin and brioche, finishes with generous, notes of light oak and almond.

  • Metaxa 7 Star 700ml

    Metaxa 7 Star 700ml

    Dark amber with old gold reflections in appearance,elegant,warm and fruity, intense muscat and ripe peach on the nose. On the palate dried prune, carob and herbal honey Balanced texture, warm, pleasantly spicy, with notes of fire honey and black raisin. Velvety, with a pleasant finish of black raisin to finish.

  • Michters Single Barrel Rye Whiskey 700ml

    Michters Single Barrel Rye Whiskey 700ml

    Renowned for rye – America’s oldest whiskey variety – since the earliest days of our history, we take the production of Michter’s US 1 Rye extremely seriously. Our Michter’s US 1 Rye is made from select American rye grain that is sheared to maximize the extraction of flavor from the grain. Ideal neat or in cocktails, every bottle of Michter’s US1 Rye comes from a single barrel – a unique attribute reflecting our extraordinary commitment to offering Kentucky Straight Rye whiskey of the absolute highest quality at every level of the Michter’s range.

  • Mini Ouzo

    Mini Ouzo

  • Minor Case Straight Rye Whisky

    Minor Case Straight Rye Whisky

    Minor Case Straight Rye Whiskey explores what might have been produced if the talent fueled M.C. Beam ever had the opportunity to have his stills unsilence and his production reawakened after the prohibition. This whiskey is a tribute to Minor Case, a man whose unrepentant passion for the product. Minor Case Straight Rye Whiskey is a two year old rye that has been finished in sherry casks for six months. With a smooth mouth feel and notes of dark fruits, warm spices, and oak, this straight rye whiskey is a delicious sip that seeks to take us back to what could have been possible if the prohibition hadn't eclipsed this distillers best years.

  • Mixology Espresso Martini 200ml

    Mixology Espresso Martini 200ml

    This ready-to-serve cocktail combines the smoothness of Tasmanian Pure Vodka with the robust essence of Melbourne roasted Inglewood coffee, creating a luxurious and convenient indulgence for any occasion.

  • Mount Gay Rum Eclipse 700ml

    Mount Gay Rum Eclipse 700ml

    Gold Medal San Francisco Spirits Competition 2009.

    The Number One brand in Barbados, the home of rum.

    A light bodied rum with distinct floral and spicy tones and bright, luminous, golden-amber appearance – to be enjoyed neat, on ice, mixed or as a cocktail base.

  • Nardini Grappa Riserva 3 Year Old 700ml

    Nardini Grappa Riserva 3 Year Old 700ml

    Pomace of Pinot, Tocai and Cabernet grapes harvested in the hills and foothills area of the Veneto region of Italy, enclosed between the Brenta and Piave rivers. In appearance it is Transparent, straw yellow with light golden reflections and in Arom it is Fragrant, delicate and harmonic scent.

    Laid up in Slovanian oak barrels for five years, Nardini Riserva enjoys a delicate sophistication that has made it hugely popular all over the world. The subtle wood ageing imbues a degree of sweetness and softness to this grappa on the palate, while delivering a delightful warmth in the swallow, which some people consider reminiscent of a lowland malt. Described as 'exquisite' by drinks writer Malcolm Gluck, 'Riserva' scooped a 'Best-in-Class' award in the 2006 International Wine & Spirit Competition.
