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  • Nardini Grappa Riserva Sellect 15 Year Old 700ml

    Nardini Grappa Riserva Sellect 15 Year Old 700ml

    Nardini Reserve 15 year old Grappa from the new Selezione range is intense and very persistent with hints of vanilla, ripe fruit, tobacco and cinnamon. Born from the experience of over two centuries of the Nardini family in the art of distillation. This coppery grappa has aged for at least 15 years in Slavonian oak barrels.

  • Nardini Grappa Tagliatella

    Nardini Grappa Tagliatella

    As its name implies, Tagliatella is a grappa-based 'cocktail' of complex flavours. While the aroma of fresh cherry juice predominates, the drink features natural ingredients deployed in a wide range of products in Nardini's grappa and aperitivo range.

    Fruity, with a well-calibrated bitter/sweet ratio, Tagliatella is typically enjoyed neat over ice, or with a splash of soda. It is especially refreshing as a summer drink - the 'Bassano Mule' -enjoyed long with ginger beer.

  • Nardini Mezzo Mezzo Aperitivo 1lt

    Nardini Mezzo Mezzo Aperitivo 1lt

  • Nardini Rabarbaro Liqueur

    Nardini Rabarbaro Liqueur

    An aromatic and uniquely flavoured Rabarbaro from Nardini, a traditional Chinese rhubarb heavy Italian Aperitivo. It's great on its own, cool or over ice, or as an ingredient of classic cocktails.

  • Negro Ferrochina

    Negro Ferrochina

    Herb Infused fortified wine aperitif, world famous source of iron to stimulate the appetite. Serving Suggestion: Enjoy 30ml anytime of the day preferably before meals on its own, or with your favourite mixer.

  • Nikka Whiskey Barrell 500ml

    Nikka Whiskey Barrell 500ml

  • Nonino Amaro Quintessentia 700ml

    Nonino Amaro Quintessentia 700ml

    Extraordinary fragrance of mountain herbs ennobled by ÙE®, Nonino Grape Distillate, aged in barriques. It should be served in a tumbler with ice and a slice of orange peel or with crushed ice and a sprig of mint as a fabulous aperitif. It can also be served at room temperature after a meal as a digestif. Otherwise NoninoPunch® aromatic and spicy, for the happiness of the palate and the spirit!

  • Nonino Gioiello Acacia Honey 500ml

    Nonino Gioiello Acacia Honey 500ml

    Elegant and very delicate. It perfectly corresponds to the scent and taste of acacia honey. Typical. Before tasting, Gioiello should be allowed to rest in the glass for some minutes: on exposure to oxygen, the perfumes are enhanced and the nose/palate harmony is perfected.

  • Nonino Gioiello Chestnut Honey 500ml

    Nonino Gioiello Chestnut Honey 500ml

    Before tasting, Gioiello® should be allowed to rest in the glass for some minutes: on exposure to oxygen, the perfumes are enhanced and the nose/palate harmony is perfected.

    Individual, with a scent of spices. It perfectly corresponds to the original honey, but with a greater elegance.

  • Nonino Grappa Moscato 700ml

    Nonino Grappa Moscato 700ml

    Elegant, aromatic, soft and sensual with the perfume of roses, thyme and vanilla. Thanks to its particular elegance and persistency, drunk, sipped or lingered over at the end of a meal or at any moment of the day it is a source of real pleasure! With respect to an aromatic variety such as Moscato, the Grappa is excellent served with cream cakes, cream in general (both crème anglaise and whipped cream) and ice-cream. It is perfect on a fresh fruit salad. 

  • Nonino Prunella

    Nonino Prunella

    Amber and inviting color, Prunella Mandorlata is a light and delicate liquor with an extraordinary scent of almond ennobled by the presence of Plum Distillate, obtained according to Antonio Nonino’s ancient and original recipe.

  • Nonino Riserva Amaro

    Nonino Riserva Amaro

    The resulting Amaro has a deep golden hue and a fresh aroma reminiscent of aged grappa. On the palate, soft notes of fruit bread, dried apricots, raisins, quinine, and a hint of white pepper give way to a medium-bodied, fruity, and zesty flavor that's more refreshing than bitter.
