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  • Nordes Gin 700ml

    Nordes Gin 700ml

    Nordes is a Galician gin inspired by the eponymous fresh northerly Atlantic wind. Made using pomace from Albarino grapes, the botanicals include juniper, ginger, hibiscus and liquorice, resulting in a unique and intriguing gin.

  • Nosferatu Blood Orange Gin

    Nosferatu Blood Orange Gin

    It's love at first bite when you succumb to the sweet, sweet aromas of orange and spice in the oh-so-heavy gin. Oh, and there's just a little bite at the end. Like no other gin. 

  • Noy Araspel 5 Year Old Armenian Brandy 700ml

    Noy Araspel 5 Year Old Armenian Brandy 700ml

    The main characteristics of this amber coloured brandy are harmony and purity of taste. Araspel brandy can be served as a digestive or over ice, as an aperitif. A slightly sour tinge of blackcurrant with sweet and soft undertones, transforming into spiciness.

  • Noy Araspel 7 Year Old Armenian Brandy 700ml

    Noy Araspel 7 Year Old Armenian Brandy 700ml

    Noy Classic is recognised as one of the best Armenian brandies. Ageing in an oak barrel slowly transforms the brandy. The drink becomes more and more sophisticated and noble. The aroma becomes ever more complex and the colour intensifies.

  • Oban 14 Year Old Classic Malt Whiskey

    Oban 14 Year Old Classic Malt Whiskey

    A combination of rich sweetness with a smoky dryness and appetising spice distinguishes this lovingly-matured Highland malt.

  • Oldesloer Kummel

    Oldesloer Kummel

     It is a spirit flavoured with caraway and cumin amongst many other spices and flavourings. Try it from the freezer with sauerkraut, herring or sausage.

  • Opies Black Cherries W Luxardo Kirsch 460gr

    Opies Black Cherries W Luxardo Kirsch 460gr

    Opies Black Cherries are a delicious combination of plump black cherries in a syrup infused with Luxardo Kirsch liqueur. They are delicious on their own or served with ice cream, yoghurt or fresh cream. Or try them in a Black Forest cake or a Pavlova for a sublime taste sensation.

  • Opies Forest Fruit W Luxardo Mulled Gin 460g

    Opies Forest Fruit W Luxardo Mulled Gin 460g

    Sharp and intense Forest Fruits steeped in syrup infused with Luxardo Mulled Gin can single-handedly revolutionise your menu: changing the simple to the sublime and the mainstream to the moreish in minutes. These flavoursome treats can be used in recipes to replace canned or fresh fruits to significantly raise the flavour intensity of a favourite dish. With a sharpness from the fruit balanced with the warming cinnamon, nutmeg, and notes of mulled gin, they are ideal in an Eton mess or to add intensity to fruit tart. It's easy to transform roulades, strudels, pavlovas and even cakes and tray bakes with a simple switch.

  • Opies Peaches In Brandy 460g

    Opies Peaches In Brandy 460g

    Opies Peaches are deliciously sweet, plump, ripe peach halves preserved in a light syrup laced with 12 year old aged Brandy.


    Contains less then 5% Alc by Volume

  • Ounce Gin Bold

    Ounce Gin Bold

    Herbal, savoury and harmonious, Ounce Gin ‘Bold’ is a rich and intriguing gin to be savoured with gusto. Pronounced Juniper leads to a chorus of 13 botanicals including Sage, Thyme, Black Cardamom and Pepper. We suggest Soda or Tonic with Green Olives, neat or in a Martini.

  • Ouzo 12

    Ouzo 12

  • Passoa' Passionfruit Liqueur

    Passoa' Passionfruit Liqueur

    Passoa is a passionfruit liqueur with a full-bodied sweetness that brings a twist and burst of zest to the palate. Made with real passion fruit from Brazil, Passoã is unmistakably tickled red with an intensely stimulating flavour.
