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  • Pimms No 1 Cup 700ml

    Pimms No 1 Cup 700ml

    The rich amber hue of PIMM'S No. 1 comes from infusing lots of lovely gin with herbal botanicals, caramelised orange and delicate spices. We could go on about the layers of flavours and that, but it's probably better if you start drinking it while internetting.

  • Pisco Capel 35 Percent Especial

    Pisco Capel 35 Percent Especial

    Faultless and genuine, this Pisco is gracious, artful and sumptuous....a unique pleasure. Campanario Pisco Especial is an alcoholic beverage distilled from wines that are obtained from aromatic Muscat grape varieties which give the product one of its most outstanding qualities: a unique aroma, aged in American oak barrels ensuring the finest flavour and aroma.

  • Pisco Capel 40 Percent Reservado De Guarda

    Pisco Capel 40 Percent Reservado De Guarda

  • Pisco Capel 40 Percent Transparente

    Pisco Capel 40 Percent Transparente

  • Pisco Mistral 40 Percent

    Pisco Mistral 40 Percent

    In the nose it has strong notes of walnut, dry leaves and threads of tea The palate displays walnuts, dried fruit, combined with a pleasant vegetable tone reminding aromas of blackberries. Intense and well structured in the mouth, unctuous with long lasting finish. This Pisco is 40% Alc./Vol.

  • Plomari Ouzo 700ml

    Plomari Ouzo 700ml

    Plomari combines the aromatic seeds and herbs of Lesvos with the Lisvori aniseed to distil a unique Ouzo. Its authentic special character brings 100 years of quality and tradition.

  • Po Di Poli Morbida Smooth Grappa

    Po Di Poli Morbida Smooth Grappa

    This smooth tasting grappa has flavours of citrus fruit, orange flowers, is mellow in taste. Po'di Poli Moscato Grappa is a single varietal grappa made from white Muscat grapes.








    With a clear and crystalline color, it is characterized by a wide, tasty and exceptionally soft taste. In tasting, the citrus aromas and hints of orange blossom are enhanced. The finish is harmonious and powerful at the same time.

  • Poli Airone Rosso Aperitivo 700ml

    Poli Airone Rosso Aperitivo 700ml

    Infusion in Grappa and vermouth of spices and aromatic herbs, intense and fruity bouquet, mandarin, sweet with a pleasantly bitterish final

  • Poli Grappa Cleopatra Moscato Oro

    Poli Grappa Cleopatra Moscato Oro

    Aromatic Grappa refined nearly 1 year in French oak barrique


    Grappa obtained by using with modern competence Crysopea, our innovative vacuum double boiler still, that represents our way in the evolution of distillation.


    Grappa obtained from Orange blossom Muscat and White Muscat from the Euganei Hills.


    On the nose, meadows in flower, fresh and citrus fruit, honey, pastry.


    On the palate, mellow, clean and extremely elegant.

  • Poli Grappa Eliser China Liqueur

    Poli Grappa Eliser China Liqueur

    Bitter liqueur with natural infusion of China Calissaya’s bark, a plant hailing from Peru.

    Its aroma recalls a spice bazaar with plenty of colours and scents.

  • Poli Grappa Lamponi Raspberry 500ml

    Poli Grappa Lamponi Raspberry 500ml

    Lamponi di Poli is a fruit brandy made from raspberries of the Carnia area, which is an agricultural paradise in the mountainous region of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia. Originally from Mount Ida in Asia Minor, these wild raspberries are deep, dark red and rich in fragrance. The raspberries are fermented in stainless steel prior to distillation.

    On the palate, it is warming, full-bodied and sensual with a long, smooth finish.

  • Poli Grappa Maria Del Bassano

    Poli Grappa Maria Del Bassano

    The first certified organic grappa in Italy.

    Distillation of marc with bain-marie stills.

    Full and warm taste.

    Very fragrant.
