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  • Raro Wild Mirto Pure Sardinia 700ml

    Raro Wild Mirto Pure Sardinia 700ml

    Produced from wild red berries of myrtle harvested by hand, without the addition of flavorings or colorants. 


    The perfumes are intense, balsamic and fruity.


    The taste is smooth, warm and dense, with pleasant fruity, bittering and slightly tannic aromas

  • Rebellion Bay 4.8%.can

    Rebellion Bay 4.8%.can

  • Reserva 51 Singular Cachaca 700ml

    Reserva 51 Singular Cachaca 700ml

    There has been a lot of interaction with the barrel in the 4-5 years of ageing with this cachaça. Lots of spicy bourbon like notes – ginger, nutmeg balance alongside sweeter notes of vanilla and light toffee.

  • Reserva 51 Unica Rara Cachaca 700ml

    Reserva 51 Unica Rara Cachaca 700ml

  • Rinquinquin Peach Aperitif 750ml

    Rinquinquin Peach Aperitif 750ml

    Rinquinquin peach aperitif is sweet and light, fruity and subtly feminine, Rinquinquin is the aperitif of excellence. An unexpected blend of peaches, peach leaves gathered in autumn, sugar and white wine, made following a traditional recipe. Rinquinquin is a classic aperitif that is as Provençal as a sunshiny day.

    In fact, the name Rinquinquin, meaning a refreshing drink, comes from a word in the local dialect—requinquilhar, ‘to cheer up’. A name commonly given to refer to one’s favourite tipple.

  • Roby Marton Gin 700ml

    Roby Marton Gin 700ml

    Our Gin is obtained through the infusion of an unusual bouquet of 11 classic and exotic botanicals in pure neutral grain pot-stilled alcohol. To maintain unaltered the whole scent of the botanicals infused, the spirit is not filtered before being gently finished with pure spring water.

    The taste is complex, clean and well structured. The nose is both spicy and citric, with a nice balance of licorice, ginger and juniper. The palate is dry with an uncommon and persisting exotic spicy flavour bestowed by ginger and pink pepper. Finishes dry with a citrus back. It is pale yellow in colour.

  • Roger Amaro Tenere Sotto Banco 25% 700ml

    Roger Amaro Tenere Sotto Banco 25% 700ml

    Roger extra strong amaro is cleverly produced to cretae a unique product.

  • Rossi Limoncello 700ml

    Rossi Limoncello 700ml

    Limoncello Rossi D'Asiago is obtained by steeping the rinds of fresh choice lemons in alcohol. Excellent as a digestive and for the preparation of sorbets. It is perfect poured over ice cream or when preparing cocktails and long drinks. Serve iced.

  • Rosso Antico

    Rosso Antico

    A strong ruby-red colour. A taste that hits the right notes between sweet and bitter together with a refined aroma of herbs and spices. A lovely young aperitif, one of the most highly appreciated in Italy since the sixties. Created out of mixing 32 selected herbs with an excellent matured wine, it is moderately alcoholic and can be drunk neat, with ice or with orange juice, or also as the perfect base for preparing cocktails.

  • Russo 100ml Amaro Di Sicilia

    Russo 100ml Amaro Di Sicilia

    This liqueur is made by herbs and roots picked the territory around mount Etna depending on an ancient recipe. The procedure is traditional, so this pleasant liqueur preserves all the aromatic and digestive qualities of its ingredients.




    Excellent straight and on the rocks. Mixed with soda water it is an exclusive aperitif.

  • Russo 100ml Cream Coffee

    Russo 100ml Cream Coffee

    This delicious cream liqueur joins the sweetness and pleasant taste of coffee in a well-balanced and harmonic way.
    To be enjoyed fresh as a pleasant dessert and with ice cream.
    Keep in the refrigerator, not in freezer.

  • Russo 100ml Liquorizia Cream

    Russo 100ml Liquorizia Cream

    This delicious cream liqueur joins the sweetness and pleasant taste of licorice in a well-balanced and harmonic way. To be enjoyed fresh as a pleasant dessert and with ice cream.

    Keep in the refrigerator, not in freezer.
