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  • Russo 100ml Cream Coffee

    Russo 100ml Cream Coffee

    This delicious cream liqueur joins the sweetness and pleasant taste of coffee in a well-balanced and harmonic way.
    To be enjoyed fresh as a pleasant dessert and with ice cream.
    Keep in the refrigerator, not in freezer.

  • Russo 100ml Liquorizia Cream

    Russo 100ml Liquorizia Cream

    This delicious cream liqueur joins the sweetness and pleasant taste of licorice in a well-balanced and harmonic way. To be enjoyed fresh as a pleasant dessert and with ice cream.

    Keep in the refrigerator, not in freezer.

  • Russo 100ml Cream Mandarino

    Russo 100ml Cream Mandarino

    This delicious cream liqueur joins the sweetness and pleasant taste of tangerine and mandarines in a well-balanced and harmonic way.
    To be enjoyed fresh as a pleasant dessert and with ice cream.

    Keep in the refrigerator, not in freezer.

  • Russo 100ml Mandorla Cream

    Russo 100ml Mandorla Cream

    This delicious cream liqueur joins the sweetness and pleasant taste of almonds in a well-balanced and harmonic way.
    To be enjoyed fresh as a pleasant dessert and with ice cream.

    Keep in the refrigerator, not in freezer.

  • Russo 100ml Cream Melone

    Russo 100ml Cream Melone

    This delicious cream liqueur joins the sweetness of fresh cream to the pleasant taste of melon in a well-balanced and harmonic way.
    To be enjoyed fresh as a pleasant dessert and with ice cream.

    Keep in the refrigerator, not in freezer.

  • Russo 100ml Cream Nocciola

    Russo 100ml Cream Nocciola

    This delicious cream liqueur joins the sweet and pleasant taste of hazelnuts in a well-balanced and harmonic way.

    To be enjoyed fresh as a pleasant dessert and with ice cream. Keep in the refrigerator, not in freezer.

  • Russo 100ml Grappa Barrique

    Russo 100ml Grappa Barrique

    Obtained from the distillation of fermented marc of fine grapes, the Etna Grappa assumes, after aging in oak barrels, an amber color with bright reflections, maintaining its natural clarity.

    On the nose it is fine and elegant. Soft and delicate on the palate, it releases delicious slightly fruity scents and harmonious floral notes that make it a unique grappa of great value and personality.

  • Russo 100ml Grappa Dell Etna

    Russo 100ml Grappa Dell Etna

    This Grappa comes from the distillation of fermented marcs of precious grapes, grown in the territory of mount Etna under the hot Sicilian sun. The vines used to obtain this Grappa are: Nerello Mascalese, Cataratto and Nerello Cappuccio. The Nerello Cappuccio, with its excellent taste structure and pleasant gentle perfume, grows mainly in the provinces of Catania and Messina. The Cataratto, very ancient Sicilian vine, has a very good aromatic profile with fruity, flowery marks and mild taste. The Nerello Mascalese, with its excellent aromatic qualities and its elegant personality and aroma helps to make this grappa a distillate of high quality.

  • Russo 100ml Arancello Di Sicilia

    Russo 100ml Arancello Di Sicilia

    The “Arancello” is a very pleasant liqueur made of the wonderful Sicilian oranges using only their peel rich of intensive fragrances. The oranges are peeled by hand and the peel is immersed in absolute alcohol for about 10 days, then mixed with water and sugar in order to obtain a liqueur with an alcoholic strength of 32°. To be served chilled in chilled glasses. The liqueur is an excellent dessert, very indicated also in the preparation of fruit salad, cocktails and long drinks. Its colour is yellow/green and has an intensive perfume of oranges.

    The taste is full and mellow which gives the strong impression of the fragrances of the splendid Sicilian island.

  • Russo 100ml Limoncello Di Sicilia

    Russo 100ml Limoncello Di Sicilia

    The most typical liqueur of our beautiful Sicilian island, produced by Distilleria F.lli Russo Santa Venerina, province of Catania, certainly is Limoncello di Sicilia. Our island is generous and offers fresh lemons all over the year, in fact there are four lemon productions, among them “verdello” and “primofiore”. Our lemons all come from biological cultivation territory around mount Etna and are quite small. Their peel is rich in fragrance which we catch in the Limoncello to make it a liqueur of rare flavour, appreciated in Italy and abroad. The production is made in a traditionally way. The lemons are picked out and peeled by hand in order to get a very thin peel. This peels are immersed in absolute alcohol, then mixed with water and sugar. The liqueur is of a yellow/green colour, its taste is dense and mellow.

    To be served chilled in chilled glasses. Its digestive qualities make it an excellent dessert, recommended also in the preparation of fruit salad.

  • Russo 100ml Mandarinetto Di Sicilia

    Russo 100ml Mandarinetto Di Sicilia

  • Russo 100ml Pistacchio Liquor

    Russo 100ml Pistacchio Liquor

    This rosolio is obtained by a traditional procedure depending on an ancient recipe, by using the green heart of the pistachio, a typical plant of the territory around Mount Etna.

    To be served chilled as dessert, delicious with ice cream and with pistachio sweets.
