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  • Appleton Signature Blend Rum

    Appleton Signature Blend Rum

    This is a blend of pot and column still rums aged for an average of 4 years. A beautiful harvest gold and amber colour, with remarkable clarity and brilliance. Fruit forward expression with aromas and flavour notes of dried apricot, fresh peach and a subtle hint of sweet molasses. Finishes as serenely as it started.

  • Arak Brun 5 Years Special Reserved 750ml

    Arak Brun 5 Years Special Reserved 750ml

    Named after François-Eugène Brun, Arak Brun might be the world’s most famous arak! Its production has been uninterrupted since the inception of the winery in 1868. It is made from the alcohol of estate grown Obeidi and Cinsault grapes, harvested at optimum ripeness, and blended with fresh anise. Since 2015, Domaine des Tourelles grows its own anise in Deir el Ahmar, a village in the district of Baalbek. Their arak is produced inside a hundred-year-old cellar, processed traditionally using a three-stage distillation in traditional alembics, and aged for 5 years in old clay jars. Arak is not sweetened. Serve with water – ice can be added.

  • Arak Mechaalany Carre Du Moine 700ml

    Arak Mechaalany Carre Du Moine 700ml

    Lebanon has been the home of hundreds of monasteries since the beginning of Christianity. These were mostly located on hilltops and valleys and were inhabited by peasant monks reputed for producing a high-quality local anis flavoured spirits called “Arak”. 

    Our Arak is made from pure grape alcohol and Damascene anis seeds. It is distilled in traditional copper alembics slowly heated with wine wood. It is then placed in terracotta amphoras to rest and allow the evaporation of around 10% of its volume.

    This time honoured process endows our Arak with a unique flavour and unsurpassed quality.

  • Archie Rose Signature Dry Gin

    Archie Rose Signature Dry Gin

    Our carefully crafted Dry Gin uses fourteen traditional and native botanicals, each uniquely infused and individually distilled in our copper pot still.

    Perfectly balanced and wonderfully complex, our Signature Dry Gin is accented by native Australian botanicals, including Blood Lime, Dorrigo Pepperleaf, Lemon Myrtle and River Mint. All underpinned with pronounced juniper berry.

  • Archie Rose White Rye Whiskey

    Archie Rose White Rye Whiskey

    Distilled from rare malted rye and barley, Archie Rose White Rye Whisky offers aromas and flavours of delicate herbs, tropical fruits, and enticing floral accents that greet your senses. Crafted through double distillation, its lingering finish reveals a captivating embrace of sweet spice.

  • Argiolas Mirto Benalonga

    Argiolas Mirto Benalonga

    Mirto has a purple-red/brown colour which changes depending on its age. It has an intense aroma of eucalyptus, juniper, hazelnut and citrus fruit. The taste is sweet with a slightly sour back palate.

  • Asbach 8yo Brandy 700ml

    Asbach 8yo Brandy 700ml

    Asbach 8 Year Old is a popular rich, spicy German brandy which has been matured in small French Limousin oak casks. The color is dark amber. The aroma is fruity, with shades of chocolate and cedar wood. The taste is rich, spicy, fruity, almond, with hints of spices.

  • Asbach Brandy

    Asbach Brandy

    Asbach is a fine and noble distillate. Through traditional distillation, careful storage for at least 3 years in Limousin-oak casks and the secret Asbach maturing and refining process, Asbach Original aged 3 years acquires its unique and distinctive taste.

  • Bacardi Rum 700ml

    Bacardi Rum 700ml

    Established in Cuba in 1862 by Don Facundo Bacardi Mass'O, Bacardi has a unique taste which is both subtle and delicate allowing it to complement light flavours such as mint and lime. It is quadruple distilled, double filtered and aged for two years in oak barrels. Put simply, your favourite drink will taste better with Bacardi.

  • Badel Kruskovac 1 Litre

    Badel Kruskovac 1 Litre

    An authentic sweet style pear liqueur produced in Croatia, known as the Wedding Kruskovac. Badel Kruskovac is a flavored liqueur made from refined distillate with a pronounced aroma of pears

  • Badel Rum 1lt

    Badel Rum 1lt

    This is a spirit based product flavoured with an extract of Rum. Its amazing aroma and notes of caramel makes it a perfect drink or mixer.

  • Baileys Irish Cream 1lt

    Baileys Irish Cream 1lt

    One of life's most pleasurable indulgences, Baileys Original Irish Cream is the sweetest meeting of fine Irish whiskey and spirits, Irish dairy cream, and rich chocolate and vanilla flavors.
