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Click the View link to see more details or to purchase cartons or other pack sizes if available.
  • Soho Lychee Liqueur

    Soho Lychee Liqueur

    Soho’s flavour is powerful, strong, long tasting, overwhelming, yet also subtle.

    The glass or tasting measures must give the consumer three mouthfuls: discover, analyse, appreciate.

  • Sorel Artisanal Liqueur 15%

    Sorel Artisanal Liqueur 15%

    The natives of the Caribbean islands have long known the hibiscus plant to be a potent spice. Renown for its curative properties–and as a powerful aphrodisiac–they would ferment its flowers, and serve on festive occasions. Each island enjoyed slight differences in their recipes, relative to their indigenous horticulture.

    It is with great respect for its traditional heritage we present a modern twist on an exotic classic:

    The brightness of Brazilian clove. The warmth of Indonesian cassia. The heat of Nigerian ginger. The woody bottom of Indonesian nutmeg. The full, aromatic body of Moroccan hibiscus. Pure cane sugar. The finest 100% organic grain alcohol.

    This is Sorel. Delicious ice cold or piping hot, drink it straight or recreate your favorite classic cocktails.

  • Sortilege Maple Whisky Liqueur 700ml

    Sortilege Maple Whisky Liqueur 700ml

    Sortilege is a unique blend of Canadian Whisky and maple syrup, created from the richness and authenticity of the Quebec countryside. This liqueur strikes the perfect balance between the heady strength of Canadian Whisky and the distinctive flavour of maple syrup, resulting in a remarkably fine liqueur. Serve chilled or over ice.

  • Sour Monkey Apple 750ml

    Sour Monkey Apple 750ml

    Sour Monkey Apple Spirit Cooler can be drunk neat, over crushed ice or mixed with soft drink. A very versatile mixer that is a great ingredient in many cocktails that require that sour kick.
  • Southern Comfort 1lt

    Southern Comfort 1lt

    Smooth. Satisfying. Touch of sweetness.

    This is whiskey at its most laid back. Smooth. Satisfying. With that just-right balance of sweetness and spice. Southern Comfort Original is the one-of-a-kind taste you’ll keep coming back to.

  • Southern Comfort 700ml

    Southern Comfort 700ml

  • Spirytus Lubelski Pure Spirit 500ml

    Spirytus Lubelski Pure Spirit 500ml

    95% alcohol.








    An extremely high proof Polish spirit traditionally used as a base for liqueurs and tinctures.








    We recommend exercising extreme caution when consuming this product.

  • St Germain Elderflower

    St Germain Elderflower

    St Germain is an artisanal French liqueur made from fresh elderflowers harvested in the Savoie region of the French Alps. St Germain is highly versatile, must-stock product for bartenders. It mixes well with Gin, Vodka, whisky, Rum, Wine and especially Champagne.

    It’s notes of pear, lychee and citrus, make it the perfect complement for any cocktail.

  • Status Vodka Hummer 700ml Car

    Status Vodka Hummer 700ml Car

    These beautifully ceramic crafted vehicles are filled with premium status vodka. 

    A great collectors item. 

    Available in other crafted vehicle designs. 

  • Strega 50ml Liquore Miniatures

    Strega 50ml Liquore Miniatures

  • Strega Amaretto Mediterranea 700ml

    Strega Amaretto Mediterranea 700ml

  • Strega Amaro Mediterranea 700ml

    Strega Amaro Mediterranea 700ml
