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  • Tacinaia Grappa Di Vin Santo 500ml

    Tacinaia Grappa Di Vin Santo 500ml

  • Tanqueray Gin

    Tanqueray Gin

    A blend of the purest triple-distilled spirit and a hand picked selection of four botanicals, London Dry Gin offers uniquely balanced gin experience.

  • Teichenne Butterscotch Schnapps

    Teichenne Butterscotch Schnapps

    The Teichenné Butterscotch Schnapps Liqueur is transparent, bright and crystalline. On the nose it has an intense dairy aroma, specifically of butter and is subtle and silky in the mouth. Rounded and balanced, it has a good structure and a persistent palate.

  • Teichenne Vanilla Schnappa 700ml

    Teichenne Vanilla Schnappa 700ml

    Transparent, bright and crystalline. Intense, fine and delicate aroma recalling the fragrance of vanilla pods.  Subtle and silky in the mouth. Rounded and balanced, it has a good structure and a persistent palate.

  • The Benriach 10 Year Old Curiosity Peated Scotch

    The Benriach 10 Year Old Curiosity Peated Scotch

    The BenRiach Curiositas uses a heavily peated malted barley as the cereal varietal to produce a unique, fresh, peated expression. This rare peated single malt, from the Heartland of Speyside, has wonderful overtones of peat reek, combined cleverly with a background of fruity, floral, heathery notes and an appealing presence of oak wood in the finish.


    Traditionalists believe that peated malts achieve optimum balance of peat-bittersweet and oak infusion after 10 years of maturation. In fact, peated BenRiach is a return to the original Speyside character and flavour of malts typical of the nineteenth century. Curiositas is a distinctive and welcome addition to the Speyside scene – this is a dram to be savoured with a dash of water.

  • The Benriach 10 Year Old Single Malt

    The Benriach 10 Year Old Single Malt

    BenRiach is crafted using a heavily peated malted barley. This hearty dose of smoke is quite a rarity in the modern day Speyside heartlands, whose single malts are characterized by their unpeated, fruit-laden flavor profiles. The BenRiach distillery is a single malt Scotch whisky distillery in the Speyside area of Scotland. 

  • The Benriach The Twelve 12 Year Old

    The Benriach The Twelve 12 Year Old

    This twelve-year-old Benriach undergoes a triple-cask maturation in former sherry, bourbon and port barrels. This results in a deliciously rich profile, with maple honey and cocoa in the nose leading to spicy mocha and baked orange in the palate. 

  • The Glen Grant Arboralis Single Malt Scotch Whis

    The Glen Grant Arboralis Single Malt Scotch Whis

  • Sale!The Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt

    The Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt

  • The Glenlivet Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12yo

    The Glenlivet Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12yo


    Excellent 12 year old single malt from the Glenlivet Distillery in Speyside, which enjoys its maturation in both European and American oak casks. It's an immensely popular expression which disappeared from shelves in 2015, but has since returned! A great example of the character of Glenlivet's whisky, boasting a bounty of orchard fruit, fragrant florals and honeyed malt notes carried on a creamy mouth feel.






    Tasting Note by The Chap

  • The London Gin No1 50ml

    The London Gin No1 50ml

    Distilled in small batches in the heart of London, this gin's unique flavour is the result of the quality of the raw ingredients used, as well as its distillation in Pot Stills (traditionally the only stills used for distillation in small quantities).

  • The Macallan Double Cask Scotch 12 Year Old

    The Macallan Double Cask Scotch 12 Year Old

    Exclusively sherry seasoned whisky with the perfect balance of European and American oak maturation to create a distinctive American oak style – sweet, honeyed and rounded.
