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  • Caffo Perfetta Armonia Cream Mandorle

    Caffo Perfetta Armonia Cream Mandorle

    This delicious natural liqueur is obtained from the "Perfect Harmony" between the fresh cream and almond enriched by the most precious spices.

  • Caffo Vecchia Grappa 700ml

    Caffo Vecchia Grappa 700ml

    Aged in oak for 12 months, this golden grappa edges close to aged brandy territory—although one sip and that grappa heat warms all the way down. That said, this spirit offers lovely enduring vanilla notes that are laced with cinnamon spice, and a velvety feel.

  • Calvados Domfrontais 2005 Domfrontais

    Calvados Domfrontais 2005 Domfrontais

    Domfrontais Calvadoss differ from those of the PaysdAuge by being made from at least 30% pears, as well as the traditional apples. This makes not only for a lighter-coloured spirit, but also one thats more feminine and elegant. Rarely exported, this 2000 vintage is a prodution fermiere or 'farm-made' calvados, indicating thats its made entirely on the farm, making it a true artisanal product made under the highest standards.

  • Calvados Domfrontais 2013 Victor 500ml

    Calvados Domfrontais 2013 Victor 500ml

    A young, vibrant calvados distilled from apple and pear. 

  • Calvados Domfrontais Apple and Pear 2009

    Calvados Domfrontais Apple and Pear 2009

    Double distilled for optimal flavour and strength. Savoury with sweet notes of apple and pear.”

  • Calvados Victor Gontier Domfrontais 2008

    Calvados Victor Gontier Domfrontais 2008

    Here we appreciate the constant quality of the Domfrontais origin Calvados where a high ratio of pear to apple brings softness, roundness and ripe aromatics. The older vintage are more concentrated in aromas; this 2008 succeed in being an amazingly mature yet young calvados.

  • Campari And Soda 4pk 98ml

    Campari And Soda 4pk 98ml

    Campari Soda was created in 1932 and is considered the first pre-batched carbonated cocktail in the world. Its distinctive taste and colour is due to the optimal balance of Campari and soda water, making Campari Soda a unique and refreshing Aperitivo.

    $20.00 (4 pack)
  • Campari Aperitif 700ml

    Campari Aperitif 700ml

    Campari is a contemporary classic. The recipe, which has remained unchanged, was created by Gaspare Campari in Novara in 1860 and remains a closely guarded secret. Campari is the fundamental base for some of the most famous cocktails around the world including the Campari Orange, Italian Mojito and Negroni.Alcoholic, appealing complex, herbal, orange and floral scents. Pleasantly bittersweet, intense orange and herbal fragrances with typical gentian and woody notes.

  • Campari Negroni 500ml

    Campari Negroni 500ml

  • Canadian Club And Dry Can 375ml

    Canadian Club And Dry Can 375ml

  • Canadian Club Soda And Lime 375ml Cans

    Canadian Club Soda And Lime 375ml Cans

    New from Canadian Club comes a delicious new flavour with Soda & Lime. The smooth taste of Canadian Club with a hint of lime, topped with soda resulting in a perfect balance of natural sweetness and refreshing taste.

  • Canadian Club Whisky 700ml

    Canadian Club Whisky 700ml
