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Pre-mix Spirit Based

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  • Wild Turkey and Cola 101 Btl 340ml

    Wild Turkey and Cola 101 Btl 340ml

    Wild Turkey is real Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey that through its distilling, barrelling, ageing, and bottling processes maximizes the flavour experience mixed with cola for a perfect pre-mixed drink.

  • Wild Turkey and Cola 101 Cans 375ml

    Wild Turkey and Cola 101 Cans 375ml

    Wild Turkey is real Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey that through its distilling, barrelling, ageing, and bottling processes maximizes the flavour experience. 101 and cola premix delivers a bold bourbon taste upfront which lingers on with Caramel, oak and vanilla perfectly balancing out the flavour and mouth feel.

  • Wild Turkey and Cola Btl 340ml

    Wild Turkey and Cola Btl 340ml

    Wild Turkey and Cola has a new and improved recipe. Its blend has been carefully adjusted to retain the quality Wild Turkey flavour loved by bourbon drinkers. Its 4.8% ABV makes it the authentic bourbon pre-mix for everyday occasions. Served chilled or on the rocks, its sweet vanilla notes combine with earthy characters to give it a refreshing body and smooth finish.

    Unlike our competitors, who often use cheap bourbon substitute in their pre-mixed products, Wild Turkey pre-mixes are made using our genuine bourbon distilled in Kentucky, USA.

  • Wild Turkey and Cola Cans 375ml

    Wild Turkey and Cola Cans 375ml

    Wild Turkey and Cola has a new and improved recipe. Its blend has been carefully adjusted to retain the quality Wild Turkey flavour loved by bourbon drinkers. Its 4.8% ABV makes it the authentic bourbon pre-mix for everyday occasions. Served chilled or on the rocks, its sweet vanilla notes combine with earthy characters to give it a refreshing body and smooth finish.


    Unlike our competitors, who often use cheap bourbon substitute in their pre-mixed products, Wild Turkey pre-mixes are made using our genuine bourbon distilled in Kentucky, USA.

  • Wild Turkey Rare and Cola Btl 320ml

    Wild Turkey Rare and Cola Btl 320ml

    A unique blend of three parts of the legendary Kentucky straight Bourbon to one part of top-shelf barrel proof rare breed. Wild Turkey Rare has a deep, smooth bourbon oak character with hints of spice and citrus. At 8% alcohol you get the true taste from the iconic bourbon mixed with cola.

  • Wild Turkey Rare And Cola Cans 375ml

    Wild Turkey Rare And Cola Cans 375ml

    A unique blend of three parts of the legendary Kentucky straight Bourbon to one part of top-shelf barrel proof rare breed. Wild Turkey Rare has a deep, smooth bourbon oak character with hints of spice and citrus. At 8% alcohol you get the true taste from the iconic bourbon mixed with cola.

  • Yuzushu High Ball Kizakura 330ml

    Yuzushu High Ball Kizakura 330ml

    Fruity, semidry High Ball style carbonated sake cocktail made from KIZAKURA sake and citrus Yuzu infused.
