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Strega Cream Liqueur 700ml

Strega Cream Liqueur 700ml

Strega Cream Liqueur 700ml


The subtle and delicate taste of cream comes from the harmonious encounter of the famous liqueur with the freshness of the best cream, to give to the palate delicate notes of sweetness and intense sensations of a goodness to be tasted.
It is a low-grade liqueur but with a strong personality.
Ideal for those who love soft and refined flavors, it is suitable to enhance the emotions of unforgettable moments or to enjoy quiet occasions of relaxation and cheerful evenings of fun.
It can also be appreciated cold, or with ice; It also gives the coffee a touch of magic.

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$53.99 ea

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SKU: 7111. Category: Not On File/Liqueurs.

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6 bottles