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  • Herencia De Plata Agave Silver Tequilla 700m

    Herencia De Plata Agave Silver Tequilla 700m

    Herencia Mexicana is a Premium Tequila made in the traditional process, with 100% ripen Blue Agave, cooked in the traditional adobe brick ovens, distilled in rustic copper stills and aged in fine oak barrels. Clear, sweet, smoky, herbaceous, spicy nose. A quick entry leads to a dry, light bodied palate with herbs and a nice smoked agave note. Finishes with a wave of sweet fruit, heat, and a nice minty, black pepper snap. A clean and purely flavored blanco.

  • Herradura Anejo Tequila

    Herradura Anejo Tequila

    Dark amber in colour, intense cooked agave and spice, toasted oak and nutty notes for aroma. Taste is very smooth with cooked agave and dried fruit and to finish, smooth, creamy finish. Its aged for 2 years.

  • Herradura Reposado 50ml

    Herradura Reposado 50ml

  • Herradura Reposado Tequila

    Herradura Reposado Tequila

  • Herradura Silver Tequila

    Herradura Silver Tequila

    Light straw in colour, aromas of green and cooked agave with herbal and slightly woody notes. Agave, woody notes and slightly citric flavor to taste. Finishes smooth, clean and warming. Age only 45 days.

  • Herradura Ultra Anejo Cristalino Tequila 750ml

    Herradura Ultra Anejo Cristalino Tequila 750ml

    Herradura ULTRA delivers a luxurious white spirit experience and exceptionally smooth taste. With the perfect blend of our premium Añejo and Extra Añejo barrels, filtered over hard sugar maple charcoal, ULTRA produces a crystal-clear finish. A subtle hint of agave nectar offers a superior taste that will transport tequila connoisseurs beyond smoothness. 

  • Patron Reposado Tequila

    Patron Reposado Tequila

    Aged for around 6 months and blended to incorporate the fresh clean taste of Patrón Silver with a hint of the oak flavour found in Patrón Añejo. Patrón Reposado is excellent as a sipping tequila or as a key ingredient in a favourite cocktail.

  • Patron Silver Tequila

    Patron Silver Tequila

    Grown in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico, it is characterised by a lemon and white pepper aroma, buttery sweet and peppery flavours and smooth clean, elegant finish.
