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Toro Centerba Forte

Toro Centerba Forte

Toro Centerba Forte


 Toro Centerba is produced by the expert selection of wild aromatic herbs, well-known to herbalists, from Mount Maiella, and fine spices, all subjected to long infusion in special containers. The finest ingredients and the very same system as that thought up by Beniamino Toro in 1817 and handed down from father to son are the best guarantees for this special extra-strong liqueur from Abruzzo. It comes in a special medieval straw-covered bottle.

Toro Centerba can be sipped neat, or added to black coffee, hot chocolate or milk, or to cocktails, cakes and various cooked dishes. But these are not all its qualities - try it and see!

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$97.99 ea

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SKU: 719. Category: Spirits/Centerba.

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12 bottles