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Dog Ridge Butterfingers Chardonnay

Dog Ridge Butterfingers Chardonnay

Dog Ridge Butterfingers Chardonnay

$26.99 - $24.99 (by the mix case)

A big beautiful buxom Chardonnay!


Re-introducing full-structured, big, rounded, gorgeous Chardonnay. BUTTERFINGERS Chardonnay aged in French oak barrels which created a full-bodied and buttery flavour that lingers on. This wine undergoes a very labour-intensive 12 months lees stirring method and gains it's oak character from the barrels in which it's aged.


This Chardonnay is that player you've known about forever who has not missed a beat. But one day he drops a sitter, a "classic fumble" that nobody has forgotten about. That period through the 90's where Chardonnays, like Butterfingers, were no longer popular with wine drinkers was the 'classic fumble". However, now is the time for those drinkers to remember the champion that the wine has always been.

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SKU: 8429. Category: Wine/Chardonnay.

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Mclaren Vale, S.a.




12 bottles