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Italian Reds

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  • Casali Del Barone Barolo

    Casali Del Barone Barolo

     Casali Del Barone Barolo opens up with aromas of dark fruits, and herbs. On the palate this wine displays characters of oranage zest, licorice and sour cherries with tight tannins. 
  • Casano Syrah 750ml

    Casano Syrah 750ml

    Bright purple red, it has a wide and dense nose with notes of red berried fruits. Persistent flavor, with perfectly balanced vigorous tannins, warm, soft. Excellent for tasting non-spicy cheeses, with baked or grilled fatty meat.

  • Castellani Brunello Di Montalcino

    Castellani Brunello Di Montalcino

  • Castellani Chianti 750ml Flask

    Castellani Chianti 750ml Flask

     The supple mouth-feel and focused taste of cherry flavours make our Chianti a pleasant traditional Tuscan wine. A base of Sangiovese with a touch of softening Canaiolo and Ciliegiolo grapes make our Chianti a vibrant wine with a lively bouquet.

  • Castellani Sangiovese Toscana

    Castellani Sangiovese Toscana

    Medium deep ruby red colour. Fresh and youthful nose of fresh almond, some wood, red and dark berries.

  • Castellare Chianti Classico

    Castellare Chianti Classico

    This Chianti Classico has a beautiful nose, fresh with pleasant hints of red fruit, licorice, black currant and a hint of vanilla. Dominated by the typical notes of Sangiovese chiantigiano. Expresses a pleasant sweetness on the palate, it is round, soft and fruity. Acidity and persistence characterise a very elegant after taste.

    Pairing: a versatile wine, it matches well with structured and important dishes, and also with moist dishes and medium-aged cheeses.

  • Castelli Del Duca Barbera Ranuccio

    Castelli Del Duca Barbera Ranuccio

    An important wine that immediately gives the impression to the first taste, ductile and fresh with a dry taste. The perfume masters and guarantees the expectation, a still wine suitable to make lunch pleasant and convivial.

  • Cellaro Luma Nero Davola Syrah

    Cellaro Luma Nero Davola Syrah

    Intensive notes of ripe red fruits and a fine flavor dominate the bouquet and unfold wonderfully on the palate.

    The 100% Nero d'Avola is accessible and made just for younger wine connoisseurs with some experience. The wine was aged for at least six months in French and American oak.

    Enjoy this full-bodied wine from Sambuca di Sicilia with red meat and game dishes.

  • Cesconi Franc Riserva Cabernet Franc

    Cesconi Franc Riserva Cabernet Franc

    Bright ruby ​​red colour. On the nose, complex, fine, with fruity notes of small ripe red fruits and jam, black cherry, currant, raspberry, cherry; spicy vanilla, black pepper, tobacco; herbaceous hints of hay and green pepper. In the mouth it is dry, warm, soft, fresh, with a well perceptible tannin. Full-bodied, intense and with a long persistence on the palate. 

  • Cesconi Moratel Rosso

    Cesconi Moratel Rosso

    From Merlot, Lagrein, Teroldego and Cabernet grapes

    The Lagrein and Cabernet grapes are produced in Pressano, in a vineyard with light western exposure and loose deep soils. The other grapes come from the particularly suitable vineyards of Pivier in the Laghi Valley; the soils are of moraine origins, with a significant quantity of silt and clay. The mitigating effect of Lake Garda facilitates the ripening of the red varietals.

  • Cesconi Pivier Merlot Riserva

    Cesconi Pivier Merlot Riserva

  • Cesconi Pletter Lagrein Riserva

    Cesconi Pletter Lagrein Riserva

    Lagrein single-varietal In the Trentino dialect, the term pletter indicates a type of sedimentary rock (sandstone) from which some of our terrain originated. That term comes from the German Blätter, meaning leaves, because of the layers present in the rock. The resulting wine is aged for 12 months in barriques that have been used 3 or 4 times. Bottling usually takes place 18 months after the harvest. Once it is bottled, Pletter is aged an additional 6 months in the cellar before being sold.
