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Italian Reds

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  • Caldirola Villanella Rosso 5lt

    Caldirola Villanella Rosso 5lt

    Red wine suitable with roasted red meats and tasty first courses. Serve at room temperature
  • Cantina Colli Morenici Custoza Doc

    Cantina Colli Morenici Custoza Doc

    It is a dry white wine with a good structure and fresh acidity. On the palate it shows the floral and fruity sensations found on the nose, enriched by delicate herbaceous hints.

  • Cantina Lavorata Nero Davola

    Cantina Lavorata Nero Davola

    This purplish-red wine presents a compact, clear and consistent visual profile, while its olfactory allure is marked by intense, complex and fine aromas, including fruity notes of black cherry, ripe plum, wild strawberries and raspberries, accompanied by floral nuances, leather, undergrowth, raw walnut husk, woody tones and a hint of cloves. On the palate, it delivers a dry, warm and soft experience, complemented by refreshing, velvety tannins, a full body, and harmonious balance, culminating in an intense, persistent, and elegant development.

  • Caprari Lambrusco Red

    Caprari Lambrusco Red

    A rich, luscious, satisfying and palate cleansing red  sparkling wine. Has an alcohol strength of 8% volume. Serve Chilled. Grape: Lambrusco

  • Caprili Sangiovese Toscana

    Caprili Sangiovese Toscana

    Composed entirely of Sangiovese Grosso from younger Brunello vines, it is fermented and aged in stainless steel. Showing some serious concentration and depth, especially for such an affordable bottle, it’s loaded with dark fruits and light spice notes.

  • Casal Bordino Montepulciano.1.5lt

    Casal Bordino Montepulciano.1.5lt


    A dry, smooth, well-balanced flavour with an enjoyable slight bitter aftertaste. Bright ruby red colour with a slight violet hue. Soft vinous bouquet, pleasant and slightly fruity reminiscent of its grape origin.

  • Casali Del Barone Barolo

    Casali Del Barone Barolo

     Casali Del Barone Barolo opens up with aromas of dark fruits, and herbs. On the palate this wine displays characters of oranage zest, licorice and sour cherries with tight tannins. 
  • Casano Syrah 750ml

    Casano Syrah 750ml

    Bright purple red, it has a wide and dense nose with notes of red berried fruits. Persistent flavor, with perfectly balanced vigorous tannins, warm, soft. Excellent for tasting non-spicy cheeses, with baked or grilled fatty meat.

  • Castellani Brunello Di Montalcino

    Castellani Brunello Di Montalcino

  • Castellani Chianti 750ml Flask

    Castellani Chianti 750ml Flask

     The supple mouth-feel and focused taste of cherry flavours make our Chianti a pleasant traditional Tuscan wine. A base of Sangiovese with a touch of softening Canaiolo and Ciliegiolo grapes make our Chianti a vibrant wine with a lively bouquet.

  • Castellani Sangiovese Toscana

    Castellani Sangiovese Toscana

    Medium deep ruby red colour. Fresh and youthful nose of fresh almond, some wood, red and dark berries.

  • Castellare Chianti Classico

    Castellare Chianti Classico

    This Chianti Classico has a beautiful nose, fresh with pleasant hints of red fruit, licorice, black currant and a hint of vanilla. Dominated by the typical notes of Sangiovese chiantigiano. Expresses a pleasant sweetness on the palate, it is round, soft and fruity. Acidity and persistence characterise a very elegant after taste.

    Pairing: a versatile wine, it matches well with structured and important dishes, and also with moist dishes and medium-aged cheeses.
